The best part of all your whining and crying here in the comments is seeing how you have *literally zero* support from other commenters here. It’s honestly rather uplifting.
The best part of all your whining and crying here in the comments is seeing how you have *literally zero* support from other commenters here. It’s honestly rather uplifting.
I pity his children.
Sure he is. And my opinion of you both is that you’re human garbage *by choice* and should be treated as such until such time as you choose otherwise.
Up through Nibelheim? Christ, the second game doesn’t even finish the first disk.
What’s your practical knowledge of working remotely with gigabytes of renders in *1998*? Sure, just handle that over your 33.6k modem. Hell, maybe you’re bleeding edge with one of those fancy new 56ks.
You asked, I answered.
People can identify with characters however they want and I’m not gonna tell them no. (unless they’re like, fascists, in which case they can go die) BUT
Let me help. Typically, in english, “Who cares?”, especially when separated out - say - in its own paragraph, is not a genuine question, it is dismissive.
Sounds like she’d been working remotely with permission, so no. Try again next time. Have a nice day.
Apparently I had never successfully grabbed the core before today, just the body bits. Well, that certainly makes those fights easier.
Yeah, I found it hilarious that I could disassemble the constructs, but didn’t find a particularly practical use for it. It puts itself back together pretty darn quick, even if you’re tossing the bits off an island.
You’re right that it changes the tone of the whole encounter though.
Guardian: I WILL CRUSH Y- heeeyyy,…
The... cyber-lizard-thing?
Riju’s power won me over after realizing just how absurdly easy it makes fighting Taluses and the.. cube guardian things. “Oh your only vulnerable point is up top out of my attack range? EAT LIGHTNING.
... I’ve done this with the fire and ice projectors. How in the hells did it never occur to me to ultrahand a cannon for rock clearing?
Yeah, like I said below, I had flashbacks to the nightmare of the stasis-launch mini-golf puzzle from BotW. Glad to hear this wasn’t as bad.
Glad it wasn’t as bad as it looked, then. I had flashbacks to the nightmare of the stasis-launch mini-golf puzzle from BotW.
I do love a good contrived roundabout solution, but I prefer puzzles that aren’t precision timing challenges.
I desperately want Grand Emprise to be good, but that looks waaaay too ambitious to get hopes up about yet.
I looked at this shrine, realized *immediately* what the devs wanted me to do, and then said ‘nope’ and bomb-arrowed both targets.
22 years ago. Twenty Two years. You’re telling me the couldn’t manage a character model that was even close to that ancient design? Yes, I know real-time vs pre-render, but aside from two decades of hardware power, that’s still just level of detail.