
Seems like they were trying to dodge a bullet here and she decided to start lobbing grenades instead.

Poe’s Law in full effect. The sarcastic tone seems obvious once you look for it, but we’ve seen people on this site make very similar posts without a hint of irony. The 11/10 is the only thing that really takes it over the top.

SAG-AFTRA’s rates and policies for VA work have pushed VAs to general strike already in recent memory and have not improved significantly.

Hey Kotaku, can you please quit playing the gory-ass video in the sidebar of EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE ON THIS SITE SO I CAN’T ESCAPE IT?

And we’re back to you spreading bigoted lies. Goodbye.

Ugh, it’s Hetalia all over again. Can people not simp for anime-boy’d nazis for ten minutes?

You know, I often say conservatives have only one rhetorical tool, and it’s the kindergarten “I’m rubber, you’re glue” tactic, but rarely is it so literal. So thanks for lowering my expectations even further.

Hey, here’s an idea. Instead of spreading your bigoted garbage, how about you go sit on a cactus.

She’s a woman associated with any amount of internet controversy. Neckbeards gonna send death threats.

Screen-readers don’t parse embedded media a lot of the time. It’s an accessibility issue.

unironically would watch

Found the art thief

Oh, greedy corporate policies can destroy any product, no argument there. I’m merely sharing personal perspective in software development, having seen both situations.

A good team can hold together fine whoever the leader is, and a good leader can hold a mediocre team together. But a mediocre team that loses its leader will often fall flat on its face.

A website with a business relationship with his primary accuser had “receipts” from a piece of analysis software that explicitly says that it’s not for use in detecting cheaters?

But it’s known he cheated 100+ times

Best response, you win.

Speaking from experience, personality is the more important one there, and that’s fixable. Being an ass is a choice.

“Downturn” “Billions in profits”

It did not, but the clarification’s appreciated. I’m just tired of people doing terrible things, and then getting their *appearance* insulted.