
The problem is not just the pattern of posts being designed to build tension and mystery, but the fact that the second video he posted views like a promo, and he gets a first-time-entry style cutscene like he hadn’t been there before. Unlikely for someone just asking a question about something weird.

Haven’t heard a single thing about platform. Most people I know are playing it on PC. People are hyped because “cute cat”. You must be one of those dedicated “dog people”

edit: nevermind, not worth it

Kotaku write something nice about the cat game challenge 2022

Saying the game changes into “zapping aliens in gray corridors” is misrepresenting the single short sequence the game includes. The drones are not in ‘gray ruins’ (evoking what, half-life?) they are part of a heavily-populated city with lots of personality. And that little aside about the ending? So many people in the

Ok, thank you for this. Genuinely made me laugh and dulled down a lot of my irritation at the article.

Only one case of stuttering for me, but had two instances of getting stuck on terrain and having to reset to save.

I got stutters in that area *specifically* and only when exiting the barrel. It was so weird.

It’s not the criticism, it’s the blatant misrepresentation.

Yeah, I highly recommend you don’t take John’s opinion piece as any kind of factual representation. Watch a trailer or two. What you see is what you get there.

You might wish to watch any trailer for the game before purchase.

The first trailer still had the swarm chasing the cat.

Opinions” that will wildly mislead people as to the actual factual content of the game should still be called out for it.

“Mild criticism” and “still angry days later” do not mesh. Did we read the same article?

People are mad because his description of what supposedly happened in the game doesn’t mesh with reality. It does not in any way shape or form become a third person shooter. You have a flashlight that can kill the swarms for a very short single section of the game, and it does not work like any “gun” in any game I’ve

You’re right, this is more like ragebait.

People change. This sounds like his kid wanted a completely different game and he got himself worked into a tizzy about it.

The swarming enemy and robots have been in every trailer since the start, so this is wishing it was a different game, not as Mr. Walker claims, a deception and change from what was expected.

Finished the game last night, and I’m calling Bullhockey on Mr. Walker’s entire article. Yes, it’s an adventure game. It’s an adventure game that you play as a cat, and it stays such through its entire length. It alternates open exploration and quest areas with relatively linear dungeon segments from the start through

How’s that 60% stock drop treating you, John?