
Huh, so it was. Though I was mentally paralleling it with the Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee games, which also had a number of fun advancements that didn’t make it into the main series, and those were apparently TPC as well.

Some of the released art *really* makes them look like Team leaders rather than professors. I’m not going to be surprised by a heel-turn in the story.

Does anyone else think these two look more like Team leaders than professors?

Tempering my excitement in that regard since Arceus was a side game with a different developer, and side-game advancements so slowly filter into the main series, if they do at all.

“generally agreed upon” = I uncritically extrapolate my small social circle to the rest of the world.

Other news sites are reporting that Ghibli did the animated cutscenes.

From what I can find, Studio Ghibli was contracted to make the animated cutscenes. If you have sources that say otherwise, I’d be happy to be corrected.

You two are arguing very different things and should probably take some time to re-read.

Ni No Kuni... PVP. Wat.

Hank Hill deserves better than to be mixed in with this mess.

If you look at that supreme court draft, they’re absolutely coming after bodily autonomy with a vengeance.

“Won’t somebody think of the nazi market share?”

We’re well past the point that “LOL just kidding” after saying a bunch of bigoted garbage counts as “humor”

And now they’re crying about it.

Thanks for the heads-up. That WAS funny. Especially you acting like a child and nuking the thread over it.

Yeah, he’s well past the point of pretending to be an asshole and well into just being one.

RDO still turns a profit for them. It just doesn’t print ALL THE MONEY like GTAO does, which is all that matters.

“Live someplace without high quality high bandwidth internet? LOL sucks to be you.”

Those are specifically the groups that Yoshida is trying to deal with. Also XI has a massive pile of issues that do not apply at  all to XIV.

You seem to be badly misinformed about a few things. Yoshida is not the CEO of Square Enix, and basically runs his branch almost like a separate company these days.