
Well, the crossover is definitely doing what they want. I’d never in a hundred years have considered playing GI before, but now I’m... vaguely tempted.

Better than companies that create a “task force” then put out some meaningless PR-speak and never change anything. The bar is low, but at least they didn’t play limbo with it.

And even if you’re not sharing, a disc just means having to deal with swapping when you want to play a different game.

Maybe it’s a situation where effects that used to appear “normal” settings now only exist on “ultra” or somesuch?


Here’s another one with SSR on and off. I think you’re mistaken.

Huh, there is indeed the world’s tiniest flinch there. That’s almost weirder. It’s not an oversight that enemies don’t react to being hit, it’s intentional.

Weird choice of combat animations; putting so much detail into the attack animations, and not a single frame of animation into “getting hit”. Makes combat feel oddly weightless.

Yes, it was a project veritas thing.

That second comparison image looks like something rendered in the Creation Engine. So no, I don’t think people are blowing the change out of proportion. That’s some notable downgrading.

—————->. the point

How the heck *could* they take it further? SR4 was already over the line of “concept vs end-product quality” with having to throw in everything and the kitchen sink. SR5 would just be... what? Gary’s Mod?

He’s not Tei, he’s Tel. As in “Tel him to take a hike”

So stack on some actual penalties for the developer caught doing this. The achievement has to drop at the end of the game, or get a suspension

Considering Matt Mercer’s voice repertoire, he might not have to.

pika pika

Considering he was absolutely part of the same cultural problem, I don’t know what you think you’re getting at.

Stores? Ah, I remember those from the halcyon days of my youth...

It’s the Wile-E-Coyote rule. Always buckle up when strapping into your giant ACME missile-car. Murder and widescale criminality aren’t something normal people are likely to consider actually doing, so it can be acceptable for a game character. But interpersonal interactions are something that relate to everyday life,

I wanted to like SR3, I really did. The silliness was fine, but the plot... dear god, the plot. After SR2's great storyline, with actual progression and antagonists you actually cared about defeating... SR3 basically took that sewage truck and sprayed excrement all over the writing.