
How did the internet create the problem of literally anyone in the United States being able to get a firearm without much trouble?

I think thats his thing.  He wears the curly mullet wig and moustache and is like an 80s tough guy, which im sure is lost on most of his audience.

That’s why in situations like this if you got nothing to add or worthwhile to say other making shitty remarks over his celebrity then you shut up. Otherwise it makes you the asshole.

Stream Sniping:  Ur doin’ it wrong.  

The guy’s house is being shot at and that’s what you say about it? How shitty of a person are you?

Aside from the avenue through which Dr. Disrespect became popular, nothing about this story couldn’t happen offline. Shooting a house in order to intimidate someone (or just because) is an old American tradition.

Dr. Disrespect is still much more like you and I than he is like Beyonce. I bet he still lives in a normal house in a normal neighborhood.

By and large, in the US, you don’t have to worry about people randomly shooting at your house. Like MrDioneo, it’s exceedingly likely this was premeditated, especially since it happened two days in a row.

They have to spend a ton of money on security/bodyguards because people are insane.

Heavily armed citizenry is the real mistake.

lololol pepe meme lololol Doc got triggered lololol dank memes lololol”

if real life gun violence is all of a sudden proliferating the gaming world

I dont like Disrespect. But this is fucked up. If you dont like the man, just dont watch his stuff and dont talk about him. Fucking fruitloops always gotta resort immediately to gunfire.

I can’t fathom how the two aren’t connected. Most people will never a go day in their life where their house is shot at. Two times in two days? It’s a twisted, childish fan of his. 

There are many things I just take for given. Living in a country where people don’t just randomly shoot at your house is one of them. Hope everything works out for the guy, I would freak out if it happened to me.

We’re deeply concerned about the risks of allowing any company or entity that is beholden to foreign governments that don’t share our values to gain positions of power inside our telecommunications networks...”

People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

“admitted rapist Cernovich has been on a tear trying to “prove” the “existence” of multiple pedophiles in Hollywood”

This article is lacking a whole bunch of context about Cernovich and how evil he is and why there needs to be planet-sized grains of salt taken with whatever he says. Polygon has some better background information about this. Essentially, admitted rapist Cernovich has been on a tear trying to “prove” the “existence”

I mean, fuck Posobiec and Cernovich, but Gunn definitely should have deleted these a long time ago.

For the rest of the century, conservatives have their playbook and it’s fucking Gamergate.