
Microsoft: "After charging people for the steaming piles of crap that were ME, Vista, and Windows 8, we've finally decided to let early adopters get this for free! You know our cycle of 'crap os, good os', right? Well this one's the good one, we promise! We listened to our users and we actually played with this one

I think we are on the same page. MS is acting like a software company with their clout should act. Pushing the bounds of innovation as hard as they can. It's nice to see that, since I'm old enough to remember MS's monopoly days when they were just enjoying their ability to tax every computer sold.

What if my PC dies after that free year and I have to reinstall my Windows 8.1? Do I no longer have access to that upgrade? Is it tied to my Microsoft account somehow?

That was my first thought when I read the headline. I know Microsoft has been kicking around the idea of a monthly usage cost like Adobe. If they do that, whatever the last version is that let's you not have a monthly/annual charge, will be what I keep forever. Which is why I have ancient copies of Photoshop and

No, I don't think so, because they did a similar thing with Windows 8 (it was $40 for the first year)...they're just trying to get as many people onto Windows 10 as possible, in as short a time as possible. They need apps (more specifically, they need universal apps), and the less OS versions a developer has to

Now playing

Esto es lo que tenia que haber hecho, no cae de de morros... va demasiado rápido.

Hey Reol, I was surprised how completely identical they were too. So I did a very, very rough calculation.

Es curioso. Esta misma gente es la que ve estupendísimamente bien que desaparezca la neutralidad de la red cuando les conviene a ellos, pero hay que ver lo que lloriquean cuando no tienen la sartén por el mango. Se critica mucho a Google por su posición hegemónica en Internet, pero si G se comportase como hacen

Hay varios. Mi favorito es de los Monthy Python ;)

Porque es completamente verosímil que 200 personas sin enentrenamiento, ni altimetro, ni oxígeno, puedan desplegar un paracaídas sincronizadamente en un avión que cae en picado.

Este es el articulo menos objetivo y más parcial que he visto en mi vida, la frase final es alucinante, cada día me siento más defraudado con la falta de seriedad de esta y otras webs de noticias con sus artículos, da igual las veces que se os llame la atención sobre este tema, siempre acabáis pecando de lo mismo

Las imágenes que acompañan al artículo son maravillosas

No se hasta que punto ese aparato merezca ser denominado como un robot. Casi todo lo tiene que hacer un operador humano y al final lo único que hace esa máquina es sacar un plato que empieza a girar. Si eso merece llamarse robot, el microondas también es un robot (menos el de mi casa, que ya no le gira el plato)

Flunxone ni siquiera podrias usar el internet, no tendrias PC, tampoco vehiculos en masa.... ah, de hecho, no tendrias ni electricidad. Deja de hablar pendejadas, que el desarrollo tecnologico es un arma de doble filo, para el bien y para el mal, y que conste hay gente que ha hecho peor uso de ella, tanto, que

If you're internet connection is slower than 100Mbps you will of course, notice no difference at all except for a few specific tasks such as iTunes sync over WiFi. It won't affect the speed of apps using the internet.

Tell that to the people that sell $5,000 handbags to idiots everyday. There's lots of money to be made off of stupid people with too much money.

I think this thing was forgotten by time for a reason.

Wait, this would only allow you to remove the key on either end. If you had 5 or 6 keys, to get one in the middle you'd have to remove 3 keys first.

"...military regime shrouded in racist and imperialistic propaganda"