
Me da que la carga máxima está dada por la altura a la que está el puente, para que se siga viendo algo de por dónde va.

Tanta gente queriendo comerse mi comida, y yo sin un solo arma en casa.

"El Cúmulo de Perseo [...] uno de los objetos celestes más LEJANOS"

Si no se usa la batería, pierde carga a una velocidad ínfima comparado con cuando sí se usa. Así que, dado que las baterías de litio no tienen efecto memoria, si solo rellenas lo que pierde de por sí misma (portátil conectado a corriente) se estropeará menos que si haces fluir por ella 100 veces más energía

How about I strap a pen to my Shapeoko. Not nearly as portable, but quite cheaper?

La NASA no es una "empresa", es una "agencia estatal". O sea, pagada con dinero público.

Your dad was right, one should never "recommend" any procedure less than 100% secure, if the benefits are almost none.

Con esto... ¿significa que ya podemos apilar contenedores hasta el doble de altura sin que se caigan?

Maybe one day history will evolve to a point were most people won't even remember what Nazi, nigger, fag, bitch

I guess somewhere around the 40's, we collectively figured out that why make things last, when a single nuke can wipe them all. So now we just make things to last until we get bored... and given today's pace of innovation, we get bored pretty quickly.

Muy bonito el vídeo, pero el sistema centralizado de MintChip no tiene NADA QUE VER con el sistema descentralizado y distribuido de Bitcoin.

Right, Unity is NOTHING like an earlier version of Metro, huh?

Kim "dot com"... what an idiot.

Also we may invent the Web, or Cloud computing, or whatever. While you continue to fund us.

Well, actually... even though the article did have it backwards, knowing the actual mass/energy of the higgs boson would serve as a starting point of a lot of work. Maybe not as much as if it was proven not to exist, but still a lot.

Related to the "drawing of plugins"? So, was it Flash or Java plugins?

One more reason to photocopy/scan them as soon as you buy them.

"a total of 1,455 pounds of stuff was hauled up"

As long as it's not "guy with girlfriend's dog fetish", I think we're fine.

What? You mean you have no UPS on critical system, nor any suitable non-electric workaround...?