
Judy Holiday was also really good in her other roles too. If you listen to podcasts, there's a great episode about her on "You Must Remember This". She was blacklisted for a bit too :(

I never knew I wanted something so bad until now.

I thought that the gay club scenes was one of the coolest parts of anything ever and am kinda bummed it was relegated to two sentences in this review. Vintage gay clubs in the 70's! The music! The lights! The colors! what was a TOTAL twist to me about the character who I didn't see going that direction at all! Loved

Except for her awful father, haha. I don't even know how they can redeem him after episode 1 and 2, blah. But I hope she gets more songs! :D

I think I'm the lone cheese, but all the scenes with Mylene and her friends and their music and dialogue and interaction are my favorite parts of the show and I kinda wish that was the focus of the show. They just have such great chemistry, and I love the music.

I can't believe I had to scroll down this far to find someone who said this, but yes! I watched the first episode with my friends and we all were so hooked we watched the rest all together. I can't believe this low rating for the first episode which I thought was one of the strongest of the six.

Lisa Kudrow in that one show she's a therapist in that plays before I fall asleep?

They're both Netflix so that would be an awesome crossover :)

That's not very hard to accomplish haha. I'm still in trauma over the trainwreck that was the entire final season compared to how good the show was before that.

You said it. Heavy season this one.

I came here just to see if anyone would post about it :) It was a good episode and showed a lot of maturity on Jake's Part which I appreciate since he seemed kind of like a jerk Dad in earlier episodes but he's gotten better which is good. I also liked Charlie's jab that he "has a type". She was really, really cool

Hilty was also really good on the last few episodes of Good Wife.

One random quibble I have: Since they're all clones, how does their hair stay the same? I know it helps differentiate them, but like…Rachel's been on the island for how long and she still has a perfect blonde bob that hasn't grown out or changed colors? Or Does Ira just do it for her? Same with Helena. How does she

Generally it's 16 but some places it's 15 if they're cool. Younger than that it's usually under the table. I'd forgotten that bit about the steak house, good memory!

I thought she was older than Cyndee which is why she feels like she needed to take care of her? But yeah I'd never thought of her as a "Freebie" and that's horrifyingly sad and yet good for a grim chuckle.

You might just be my hero for making a Home Movies reference on a Good Wife thread.

I don't know how to feel about this. I really think Brett and Michelle should have counted their losses and just both moved on separately. They just weren't good together and I don't buy them resolving it this quickly and having it all work out.

Um…Not sure if you're being funny or not but uh…she left this planet about eight years ago…

This. This…This is everything. So very much love.

I'm still not over Looking's Cancellation and this one majorly bums me out too :(