
@thelastspot: Victoria's the only major city in the country that dumps raw sewage into the ocean instead of buying a treatment plant. Methinks the government is unsurprised at this revelation.

@navydave83: The "demon sphere" incidents, they finally used it in the Bikini Atoll experiments.

@jmd1513: Especially damning as they knew full well the effects of intense radiation exposure by that point. The demon sphere itself was used in the Bikini Atoll tests, and it was responsible for some horrific criticality incidents at Los Alamos.

@jmd1513: Especially damning as they knew full well the effects of intense radiation exposure by that point. The demon sphere itself was used in the Bikini Atoll tests, and it was responsible for some horrific criticality incidents at Los Alamos.

@LiC: I'd totally take my battered and worn out elfstones to get it signed if he ever came here. Recent work be damned, the man defined my childhood fantasy readings.

@LiC: I thought it paled in comparison to his earlier works. Weak atmosphere, pedantic storytelling, worked to dissolve the awe and mystery behind the great wars rather than add to the mythos.

@LiC: Given how abysmal his writing has been since the VotJS arc, does anyone actually care anymore?

I have to say, Shadowgate 64 remains one of my favourite games of all time. It just had this amazing...atmosphere.

Go up to northern British Columbia in the summer. Ft. St. John & Grand Prairie area's.

@LiC: Semi-Weekly.

Am I among the few who felt the sequel to TFW was really terrible in comparison? I suppose it makes the original seem even more like Lightning in bottle, but still.

@crosis101: Forever war is on my top ten list, and I only discovered it a few weeks back. Honestly amazing book in every way.

@collex: Pronouncing "No" with a perfect amount of desperation does not an actor make.

I, also, yearn for the days before Shia LaBeouf started headlining "Films". I use quotations because it seems everything he "Acts" in turns to a steaming pile of tripe.

@iPolak: Very sad indeed. I've heard most recently that she will simply be deconstructed now, not moved to a new location.

@iPolak: I keep hoping to hear something positive about the City. It's a goddamn shame a piece of history that huge is being left to rot.

The current assumption is that it may be the remains of the Tyger, the exploratory ship of Adriaen Block used to map the east coast and Hudson river, which burnt to the waterline off Manhattan Island in the 1600's.

@Honu Harry: Indeed. It's often forgotten how poor a state it was in by the late 1980's due to lack of maintenance, let alone the early 3200's...