
Not that Spain is bad, but wouldn't it have made more sense for Nintendo to pay off an Italian agency instead?

@Cake Tank!: Ramping up the difficulty in the same game that they implemented a system that plays the game for you? Madness! #kotakutalktadio

@AoE: Indeed, and as good as the DS is with its vice grip on the handheld market, I think it is going to lose that very soon.

@Stephen Totilo: My apologies, in that case Stephen, if I have offended. I will admit that it was interesting in the morbid curiosity fashion.

@AoE: To be fair, it had potential. They were ingenious in re-packaging the Gamecube in such a fashion. If they had followed through with a strong first-party title delivery, they would have had a winner.

@Handsome Al: Quite so, twas a shot at Totilo's closing remarks. I simply cannot fathom the condescension towards the audience actually reading the article.

@WhiteMage says fix the comments grr: I simply fail to see the logic of posting a lengthy interview with the creators of peripherals designed specifically for uber-casual gamers, on a site designed specifically for hardcore gamers. The people who buy these things, do not or rarely read Kotaku.

To be fair, it has nothing to do with feeling cool. It has to do with not needing to spend $20 on a useless piece of plastic that has absolutely no effect on the mechanics of the game I am playing. It is a gimmick, and one that I have zero need to shell out for. #wii

@mrpibb79: Look at how hard IW has worked to screw over practically everyone involved on the consumer end with this game =/ #modernwarfare2

@Archaotic: Exactly what I meant, in a much more eloquent fashion. Kotaku has been pandering hardcore recently, and it's really quite sad to see. I'm almost ready to move on somewhere else myself, the tone in the MW2 article really was quite insulting. If they feel the need to mock their readers in that fashion, I'll

@Archaotic: Can't have people insulting the Rupert Murdoch of the games industry now can we.

@Azubah: I agree. That trailer they released was rather...scattershot at best. Reminded me of FF more than anything else. #guildwars2

@PatMan33: The console sells like hotcakes on a winters day. The software, aside from the casual crap that Nintendo pushes out, is struggling to keep its head above water.

@ergonomicuser: I really wish the promote comment system didn't exist so that everyone could see this win.

@Ken: They've done it to every single studio they have ever purchased in the past. #electronicarts

@Vonhert: I still don't understand how EA took the dark and brutal realism of Red Alert and turned it into the farce that the series was by 3. I mean, seriously, did they think nobody played the original?

To be honest, I can't say I feel sad about them letting the C&C team go. I mean, after the brutal raping those idiots have given the series over the past few years, I certainly hope they all have the brains not to put it on the resume...