Just checked out of curiosity, they did post about it on Twitter earlier today:
Just checked out of curiosity, they did post about it on Twitter earlier today:
She is a hero ,Fuck this guy !
I’m sure it didn’t really cause him to resign, but I’m giving the credit for this to the lady who confronted him at lunch. Keep it up, that shit works! Now, who’s next?
Speed 3: Beat the Tariffs
I think because dajiban sounds cooler than fo-odiban or chebiban.
I... agree with Ted Cruz.
I understand you’re painting with a very broad brush, but it’s interesting to see the difference in your client’s financial situations. I wonder if FCA and Mitsubishi attract more customers with poor credit due to their financing, or if there is something else that draws them to those particular brands. I imagine it’s…
She straightened my pole.
This might sound weird, but stuff like this is exactly why I read these comments. There’s something really satisfying about seeing something mysterious in an article, only to get to the comments to see that someone knew exactly what it was. You even came back identifying which specific airframe it was!
Kids, I do believe that is the YMC-130H. The most badass C-130 ever.
When any other measure short of publicly shaming fails to gain traction, you use the tools left to you. Trump and company are the ones who have chosen to be tone deaf to anything less.
Stop trolling the SJW snowflakes -- Those anti-white racists and anti-man sexists have brought the world Trump, isn’t that enough :D
Any time a situation pops up in the motorsport world that involves women, folks of LGBTQ+ identity, or people of…
I mean, it is a problem that should be fixed but I wouldn't call it 'game ruining'. At best you get 3 or 4 kills before you have to move on unless you get crazy lucky and are in the dead center of the final circle.
Granted, our future descendants will be glad this idea never caught on because in our post-apocalyptic future, imagine you’re wandering through a parking lot full of cars like this and some asshole throws a frag grenade at you...
Jesus, what fucking monsters. Who leaves a voicemail when texting exists?
These people have, on their side, the senate, the House of Representatives, the Supreme Court, the police, the armed forces, and the president. Also they own all the guns and are predisposed towards violence against people who don’t think like they do. I am starting to feel the net closing in...
Hey 1994, guess what! Our president gets accused of multiple sexual assaults BEFORE being elected and is soft on neo-Nazis while “The Antichrist Superstar” turns out to have a relatively decent moral core. How about them apples!
Now as a parent, I would be forced to tell my child “You want to choose the people you look up to carefully. Be like that nice man who calls named himself after a serial killer. He knows how to treat people with respect, unlike that vulgar idiot who just howls like a monkey who’s president.”