
Wow, 26 years old. Is it weird making jokes about someone you never saw play? Seriously, the ball off the head, 40/40, upper deck in the Sky Dome, etc. I mean, you weren't even 5. Even "Juiced" came out when you were only 16.

The opening credits have him rolling his bug on the way to the court house.

It's funny, I don't watch "Homeland" but my boyfriend was so delighted by the way this scene was handled that he CALLED ME after the episode was over to describe it to me and rave about how they had an actual human fat woman portrayed as a sexual being (without it being a joke) and that he weight was not a big deal

C'mon, we know what it's doing.

welp, just proves how well insolated the GS300/Aristo was lol :]

People buy them because Mitsubishi would grant financed money to a paperweight if it meant selling a car.

The "Patrick George" byline with the profile pic up top didn't do the trick?

This, I'd rock a brown Clubman any day of the week!

It's also the most adorable business jet

"Buyers are liars", he'd say.

fuck that shit, anything less than a 5 is BELOW AVERAGE as far as they know. Now me, I make 100% sure that my customers are satisfied before I let them know the manufacturer will be contacting them in the near future... no harm in that. most people already know anyway, this way if you have a problem and dont want to

I never understand the mentality of some people. Its ok for furniture stores and electronic vendors to make 100% profit on the sale of an item. However dealerships get pounded and called rips offs because they are FIGHTING to keep 2-3% profit! Best Buy makes more money selling a $1,000 TV then Honda or Toyota make

You actually dont have to play any of the "games" to get a good deal. Just depends on where you go/who you work with. You can easily google the invoice price on any brand new car these days. Make a reasonable offer via email, most likely it will be approved and then you can walk in and know what to expect. If the car

What's sad is that you feel you're going to get ripped off before stepping foot in the store... A lot of dealerships are run by the same person or families for decades, these stores do not rip people off. But, everybody wants something for nothing and they know that a dealership is the last frontier for bartering.

Anyone remember the car from the movie "The Wraith", I saw it at the Chrysler Museum a few years back.

Maybe the Ram driver was like "NUH-UH THIS IS MY TERF TO BE A DOUCHE, BRAH."

Probably the first time I've ever celebrated the actions of any owner of a lifted Ram bro truck. Awesome.