
You’re singling out Michael Jordan’s child as an example, in a discussion about which entire population group of millions of people has it worse?

Good writing- and it is scale-able up to literally everything in society, not just motorsport... all the turmoil going on now is because these marginalized groups are tired of how it is just easier for anyone who benefits from the cisgender white patriarchy that we live in to pretend that “everyone is already treated

Coming from Subaru, the percentages are much higher- not just “poor” credit, but “meh” credit- scores in the 600's. (Fun fact: this is the best credit score range to make money off of).

What I find interesting about this demographic is they typically make less in their careers than my average Subaru clients, but they

I mean from like 2007 to now. Not right now specifically. They have a history of this.

I switched to selling FCA products recently after selling an actually successful car brand for 10 years, and I wonder about this every day.

Like, why can’t they make a small car? Why? I sell Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep/Ram, and basically that means “I sell Jeeps.”

You don’t deserve to churn out halo cars if you can’t make

In high school, so, 1998ish, my friend was gifted an 84 1/2 GSL, white with tan leather. 12,000 miles on it. I still remember it fondly. Sadly, he parked it when he went to college, and there it sat for a few years before it was sold

Nah. I just imagine these cheesy replies being said out loud by some dudebro and it makes me cringe. Would prefer to just silently appreciate the picture without badly worded commentary.


I get that it’s a tradition for $kaycog to post her COTD pics but we can at least tone down the creep factor with the replies

You have to make a monumental error in judgement multiple times when ordering a Limited instead of a Premium in the Subaru order system. And if it is Subaru, they just change it in the allocation system to the correct model, and apologize profusely, so this is a big mistake with an easy fix.

That will actually work, as my kids will be grown up and I won’t need the space!

Bonus: Completely filling with luggage gave you a fighting chance at the front end not totally pushing into your lap in a bad collision!

I hope the owner’s trunk spider didn’t hop out and attack him

Regarding Trump, why does he not have a problem with all the American cars made in Mexico and Canada? And is he not aware of how many cars Mercedes and BMW make in the US? Or does this all not matter and he knows full well and he’s just saying this to rile up his MAGA fanbase who don’t know about where cars are made?

They’re cracking down on the EP codes being sold... I lost a deal this month in PA because someone was trying to use a code they bought but it was in someone else’s name and the code seller flipped out at me on the phone saying “I buy and sell these to people all the time, don’t tell me how this works” and soooo our

I’m really glad I saw this post and watched the video AFTER reading the one about the assholes who killed a young mother and her infant street racing.

I recently switched from selling Subarus for 10 years, to selling Dodge/Jeep/Chrysler/Ram.

I did a lot of looking into the DSG, and the 1.8TSI, and after seeing what I’ve seen (at the dealership I worked at for 10 years) on a regular basis with high mileage modern Subarus (both the new engine design and the CVT’s) I’m fine with rolling the dice and seeing what happens.

Since so many Subaru customers love

I’m currently leasing a ‘17 Sportwagen, 4motion with DSG. I LOVE IT. 12,000 miles so far, zero issues. Girlfriend has a ‘16 GTI, no issues there either.

I am over the “VW’s are unreliable” thing. The MK.7's are fine- they’re on the same level of reliability as a lot of Subarus. So yeah, not tops, but not the bottom of

My Subaru dealer (that I work at) currently has a new tS in WR Blue sitting on the showroom floor- AND we just traded in a ‘15 BRZ Series.Blue that is all stock with 10,000 miles- stock, that is, except for the KraftWerks supercharger kit.

Although I appreciate your having enough enthusiasm to post about it, that’s not quite accurate. Utes have been around longer than the B.R.AT. and the Monaro and Falcon utes are bigger than a Corolla. Easiest comparison would be remember the most recent GTO we got? It’s a pickup version of that. Or with Ford, it’s a