
He's not gonna walk straight for a week, no innuendo intended :).

Haha, so quick to judge. I've seen many people crossing I-45 and the loop where I live. I do speed, which is a good point, but at least I'm aware of where I am going. I also love and drive motorcycles, but I would not stand up for these idiots because they're dangerous and give other motorcyclists a bad name. I get

Include a *

I'm with Barnaby. Seriously, what if that guy had hit a woman crossing the street while he was being an asshole? I'd say every one of you people have cussed at someone who broke the law, wishing them ill. He's just poking fun (I think), but he makes a valid point. If they're so careless to endanger others, why not

An blowing away in their crazy ass weather conditions.

Mike, this makes NO sense for us that live outside a city. We still deal in hours of driving all the time. Sorry, but just no.

Thank goodness for hot yoga chicks without blinds on her apartment. Not bad for my first set.

JIMP at the commenting as a whole.

Been there, done that, ended up 20 feet away embedded in the cat after hitting a turn.

Two wheels bad, and I don't always agree with the saying.

I second this. Utter BS.

Playboy's women have been going downhill, figuratively, and now literally if she keeps that up.

Phew, I said that and was pretty sure I'd be all alone.

I'd say Miata since it's the answer to every question. Flame on fellas.

I know it was stupid and he shouldn't have done it, and the punishment doesn't even fit the crime (a freaking neighborhood? Come on you idiot...) BUT if someone handed me the keys to an LFA and said I wouldn't be able to drive for 45 days after... I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Are you going to make it out there?

What earthquake website do you speak of? Matt can do whatever in the hell he wants, for he directed me to an F-4 in a neighborhood. That is all.

Anyone actually disappointed the F1 race will be in November? I mean, it's been over 100 for over a month here! That would destroy engine performance for these guys and any hope of being comfortable to anyone attending the event. I, for one, welcome a later opening track so I can attend without getting 3rd degree

Used one of these, reliable, fairly quick, and haul ass or ass, or stuff, whatever your preference. Really wish I hadn't sold mine, would've made a fun buggy type vehicle. Regardless, thing didn't give me any problems until about 135K, and even then it was $500. You can get them for cheap now and tune it for better

You'd get a tan in the summer, that's for sure...