Gonna go the other direction, wow and I'll take a post/QOTD/AOTD like this from time to time. If you don't like the posting, scroll down to a man jerking of in an airport, I don't see anyone bashing that post that has nothing to do with cars.
Gonna go the other direction, wow and I'll take a post/QOTD/AOTD like this from time to time. If you don't like the posting, scroll down to a man jerking of in an airport, I don't see anyone bashing that post that has nothing to do with cars.
Seeing as I drive through there everyday and got cut-off to the point of "WTF!?!?!? I GIVE UP!!!!" status, I full see this happening. If he was driving above his capabilities, then I hope his left foot is f'ed beyond ever allowing him to drive a real car ever again.
Wow, how is that thing flying with those in there!?!?
Came in to say the same thing.
Is there a dinosaur in the 300?
I hate assholes more than snitches.
No, because Kayne West is an asshat at all times.
I agree, except Kayne West is an idiot. The rod is kick-ass, looks like something from Madmax.
Read the same thing, there's an "and" in there. Depressed me too.
They only thing is, if the looters were armed, then so would the home-owners. People get a lot more polite when they know their actions could cause their demise. Doesn't England still have gun crime anyway, including pistols, even though they banned them?
116 in my car on Friday, what do you mean too hot?!!? At least I haven't heard "Hot enough for ya?" this year... *knocks on wood*
There's two down the road from me that are being eaten by the rust monster. Shocked the heck out of me because I work in a BAD side of town. I'll try to snap a pic at lunch.
Jodark, you must live in TX or AZ. If you're ever in Houston, look me up and we'll hit the range, haha.
Isn't that what the mask is for...?
Yes, but I'll need a bitch for all my magazines and some fix-a-flat, just in case, to help clear the innocents out of the way.
No, met a well-to-do Brit the other day and it scared the hell out of me.
Dragoning begins...
Thank you! I never knew that and I stand corrected. I knew this Friday wouldn't be a total waste.
No #COTDnominations out of everyone? Dunno if mine will help, but, damn, that's golden.