
How so? I don't want water funneled to the middle of my tire, but I guess that's just me.

First off, my condolences to Harold. Truck driver do lead a helluva rough life, and that's a shame he couldn't get there. There are some truck drivers that don't give a damn, but there are twice as many bad drivers that cut right in front of rigs every day, so I respect them and the space they need, and they usually

His tire is going the wrong way. Also, fantastic idea.

You would freak out because you don't understand that some people prefer to not rely on the police if an attacker comes for their life or their loved ones. People carrying firearms can't pull them out of holster unless there's a threat or they get thrown in jail. Do you have no faith in your fellow man to where you

I've never had a belt replaced anywhere, but over $100? Wow, those places really gouge.

Thank you sir, now I have ordered yet another book from Amazon, and a few more... They did it for Apollo 11 as well.

Umm, I took my sub-$25K vehicle to one of those once, and even then was kind of freaking out, but had a long journey still ahead and love-bug season was ON.

Search Edie's Curls in google, click maps, and there it is!

Now playing

Kind of biased, but bada$$ no matter which way you slice it. Nothing like 1,500HP from some snails.

Car enemas, now available in shit smell for your aromatic pleasure.

Man, Christine didn't even come to mind for me. For me, it was Evil Dead. Dunno why, but the car added a lot of creepiness to the movie for me.

Maybe he hated doing it to such a car...?

Rented one last weekend for a wedding and the nickname "Clown car" stuck. While I hated the lack o' power and piss poor handling, the ride was actually nice and the leather seats aren't bad. That's the only good thing I have to say about that fire-engine red, slow pain in the ass.

I'd say the opposite. They're all using their instincts to get away from death. Have you never pushed your car to the limit with like-minded people around you? Sorry, just don't see mental illness in relation to what they did here, which is amazing.

This guy should play for the NBA if he's good at free throws.