
The mangler isn’t any good beyond mid range. Getting hits requires that you not only have great lead time on targets, you also need to have the correct arc to your shot because the bullet drop is crazy. Pros hate it because it’s a weapon new players can be good with that isn’t the BR. At most reducing the spawn rate

These people vastly over estimate their share of the electorate. It’s easy to forget when you are mostly insulated from challengers thanks to Gerrymandering.

Put them at the kids table so the adults can talk again.

Do you think there will ever come a time when these people realize their entire identities are based on being outraged over shit no one really cares about? I like to think all children grow up eventually, call me optimistic.

When you consider their first Pope, ole Peter, was a torturer for the Roman empire. That whole “tortured for eternity for believing the wrong things” starts to make A LOT more sense.

Yea, people have this impression that Trump’s voters do what he says but it’s actually the opposite. Trump does what his voters say. Right now he is choosing to not do that, and it is probably going to cost him any chance he had in 2024. Someone who IS willing to go with the mob, will take that front runner spot.

I hear a lot of people asking “what if she really didn’t mean to do it and goes to jail?” as if she didn’t straight up kill an unarmed kid over a ticket, I’d even argue that shooting someone operating a vehicle likely only served to make the situation even worse. Also, why was there a cop leaning into the car at all?

Trump isn’t going to run again. A majority of his most ardent support has moved on to “greener” pastures. Trump served the purpose he was elected for. The next GOP candidate is going to be further right, and unafraid to repeat the idiotic talking points and pseudoscience the right has come to embrace. The next guy

So I guess tasing him and making his muscles seize and press the gas wouldn’t have caused the same accident? Or shooting him for that matter? This isn’t a defense of anything, the entire situation should have never unfolded. They could have literally mailed a fine or gone to his fucking house. They had all the

It’s not a couple of hours. If it takes a couple of hours to get through the opening, you are either playing on too high of a difficulty or you are a completionist.

Yea it sounds like this writer just sucks at video games. I had problems with the cut scenes and the constant hand holding, but it took me maybe 30 minutes to get past the opening stage.

Lol that lawyer is only mad because he knows this dude can’t pay him

While this sentiment is accurate and people should have voted, you can’t spend all day blaming people for not voting without also blaming democrats for doing NOTHING to earn those votes. I’ve spent my entire life watching democrats fumble around and continually do nothing to deserve the support they have. Votes have

I think the limited playlists might be by design since the main game hasn’t released. My guess is there will be more maps and game modes as well as weapons when the full game drops. I only think this because they might be trying to avoid spoiling the main campaign.

If our justice system had any consistency, this guy would walk and white people would be appalled. And MAYBE, just MAYBE those same white people would understand why allowing ANYONE to murder without consequence is a bad thing. But I doubt that will happen. If those people thought logically or critically we wouldn’t

This is valid, but understand that pedophilia has existed for as long as man kind has been able to write (at least). Obviously the threat of stigma and punishment doesn’t work, so maybe the key is in understanding the cause. That’s what this is about, it is not about protecting pedophiles.

There has always existed a faction of people that holds back progress. It’s clear to most discerning people that understanding the causes of pedophilia are far more useful to curtailing it than simply punishing people. I mean they do the same fucking thing with abortion, instead of doing anything to eliminate the

It’s more like 20%, maybe even less. If 40% of the country wanted what you said, January 6th would have been wildly successful and Trump would absolutely be president. But even in Alabama, where I live, you will find most people just want the government to function again.

Matt Gaetz is really fucking stupid. Kyle Rittenhouse is going to reoffend, the kid is a text book sociopath, and alleged child rapist Matt Gaetz is like “hey I really need that kind of energy”.

Man I’ve seen the game on twitter where you mention NFT or Crypto and count how man people come to correct you, I didn’t realize it would happen outside of that. Incredible stuff here.