
I’m not an expert on copy right law, but I believe you have to benefit financially for it to matter. Or at least someone has to be hurt financially by the action. In this case, Take Two hurt themselves by releasing a game before it was ready. I imagine the court will recognize that fact, otherwise I don’t see why any

The card system is supposed to act as a leveling system for difficulty. You increase the difficulty as you collect new cards and can do more, except you can’t progress solo, so you HAVE to play with at least one other person. That’s fine for the first few acts, but around act III if you don’t have 4 players, you are

Yea, I mean it would sure suck if these men didn’t get a fair trial, or a trial at all. We can’t just go around lynching everyone because we suspect they’ve broken the law.

There are very good odds he does something like this again. It will likely be even worse.

Not surprised the right is buying this. I mean, they worship con artists and are herded by an online cult that literally produces merchandise for their conspiracies. “Kennedy is coming back to make Trump the king of kings! Now buy this Kennedy/Trump 2024 hoodie for only $100"

Only conservatives would be stupid enough to see this cancerous lump try to cry and think it’s real. Dude was all smiles after he killed two people. He was all smiles earlier in the week at the trial. Obvious psychopath, he should be locked in a 8x8 cement box because I can assure everyone he will do this again.

It’s funny how “scam artist” and “conservative thought leader” are now interchangeable as far as what they describe.

Sure do love how self defense laws create a loop hole for murder. Very not alarming that people think this is ok. Clearly they’ve thought a lot about how these laws could be used to kill anyone for any reason under the right light. Who needs accountability for murder?

Yea he’s being groomed. Conservative leadership figured out after Regan that all you need is an actor running and their voters will line up. They were reminded again after Trump. Don’t be surprised if the front runners in 2024 are all actors.

This is a very classic response on the right. “It was taken out of context” is the only thing their audience needs to hear to dismiss it and not look into it.

Yet again and unsurprisingly this person has missed the mark. Biological sex is not the same as gender. They just can’t wrap their heads around the idea of “identity” not being rooted in what’s between your legs. Gender is a human creation, it does not exist outside of humanity.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, you’re telling me, that a group of people that are openly lied to everyday, refuse to acknowledge logical inconsistencies in their own ideology, and will eat shit if someone told them that liberals hate it, think they are discriminated against? I’m gonna need a minute to process this.

I do agree it SHOULDN’T be this way. But people like Sinema get so entrenched by corporate interest that it becomes nearly impossible to remove them by voting. Making their lives miserable seems to be people’s only recourse now.

This is exactly right. The people who stormed the capitol on January 6th may have done so under the pretext of Right Wing Propaganda. But that propaganda only works because there is a very real animosity developing in this county for the ruling class.

It’s so much worse than that. She’s not motivated by some sense of superiority or pride because conservatives want to label her like John Mccain. She’s been bought, and as a result her true character has presented itself.

She doesn’t represent Arizona, she represents billionaires.

Confronting your elected official in public = bad
Storming the capitol cause your big strong daddy lost = good, actually

I haven’t watched it yet. Does it happen to cover the decades of conservative Christian cancel culture this country has endured since it’s creation? Or does it pretend it’s a new phenomenon brought on by easily offended people?

He’s a troll, anyone with a half brain knows that US senator brings a lot more opportunity to create change than being a representative. She’s crying because she had to go against her own beliefs to secure a chance at the senate.

I bet you suck at chess.