
Just wait until Trump dies and they lose control of their monster.

Fully agree. turning the other cheek has only led us as a society into a far darker place. It’s time these people dealt with consequences.

No sir, he is just a coward and cowards can’t make sound decisions in the moment.

Thank you for this

I heard (Don’t know if it’s true) that the PS5 was having heat issues as early as March 2020. I’m betting in order to make it Holiday season ready, the solution became “make it bigger” since that’s the easiest way to resolve heat issues.

If the SSD on the disc-less version is the same as the standard version, you’ll be installing and uninstalling games every time you want to play something else. I don’t think Sony was ready to compete against two consoles from Microsoft. Disc-less was probably going to be a later release.

Conspiracy theories are based in truth. Usually it’s something else taken and made crazier on purpose, to distract from the real issue. For example, the child sex ring in the basement of ping pong pizza? Definitely not real. But their is a very serious sex trafficking problem in DC and across the country. No one knows

Because the deniers are unfortunately also the one’s in charge somehow

It isn’t. It’s a massive party school. People like this go there primarily for connections, not education.

Yea the staged photos should have made it obvious. Did people think that Aunt Becky and her daughters just enjoyed dressing up as athletes and taking pictures?

It’s the mindset of people that have gone far too long without facing consequences. If simple oversight really demands this reaction, they can all go straight to hell.

It’s middle aged Conservatives. They do this A LOT. I only know because I work in IT in the south. They are by far the most easily manipulated demographic when it comes to technology.

A whole lot of people are about to get a harsh dose of reality.

Hillary Clinton would have lost in 08. Not because she isn’t qualified, I think she’d have been an excellent president. Her problem was hubris and centrism. For whatever reason, establishment dems cling to the idea that voters want moderates, in spite of the trends for the past 2 decades (Dems haven’t won a

Gender has nothing to do with winning elections. Anyone even considering this idea is simply buying into what CNN wants, which is to eliminate the candidates that are the biggest threat to their shareholders. The problem with Hillary wasn’t sexism, it was hubris. It’s the same problem Democrats still have. And it’s

Doug Jones doesn’t stand a chance in reelection, he has completely ignored the part of the electorate that elected him in favor of people that hate him, it must be a democrat thing. Hopefully he knows that and doesn’t vote no.

I here that so much from elderly people. It is the oddest thing because if you ever ask “what has he done” they either can’t answer, or they tell you something that has absolutely zero benefit to anyone except the president and his family. They clearly acknowledge that he is using the office for his own benefit, but

It’s a myth. Like most arguments made by the ruling class, it is based on nothing and is merely an assumption that older voters believe, which is really all that matters since older people tend to actually vote... Most young people either don’t care or would like to see it.

They name legislation like this because it makes it difficult to vote no. See “Patriot Act”. They could have definitely come up with something better but the intent is still there...

One is a very defensive response. I probably don’t need to say which that is. Marvel movies are basically the junk food of cinema, but we all eat candy and junk so who gives a shit as long as it’s good?