Maybe they shouldn’t have been carrying a gun. Sounds like they were asking for it.
Maybe they shouldn’t have been carrying a gun. Sounds like they were asking for it.
Joe is like Hillary, he isn’t going to get in the mud or take a stance unless it’s politically beneficial. To me this reads as a sign his campaign has seen something in polling that makes pushing for impeachment good for his presidential aspirations.
Anthem is the most recent I can think of.
Kind of funny when comedians say this. It’s in essence an admission of not being funny. If you’re entire act relies on being mean, you were just a bully, not an artist.
You probably understand this better than myself, but chances are the billionaires getting taxed will instead invest their money back into society. That’s how it worked in the 50s. Instead of paying taxes, they made sure they never had profits exceeding the taxable amount. They would put the money into their workers…
It makes me very happy that someone else understands that no amount of guns or bunkers will save 1 person from millions of starving and pissed off human beings. These people forget loyalty only lasts for as long as you can keep someone placated. Soldiers and lunatics eat too, and they aren’t going after the people…
Anytime I have the “billionaires shouldn’t exist” talk with someone, they ALWAYS end up agreeing. most people just don’t think about how billionaires made their money and they understand to an even lesser extent the difference between a million and a billion. When you lay out the vast gap between those two numbers…
I thought this too but it’s in a different language. I mean it’s clear to me at least that this person wanted to be fired so they could sue. It reminds me of the episode of southpark when Mr. Garrison wanted to be fired for being gay.
It’s interesting how the right shits all over themselves anytime someone vaguely charismatic gets the spotlight and starts spouting ideas the general population mostly agrees with. It’s like they know just how close they are to a full scale uprising that results in their removal from power.
You should assume that a majority of people like this troll are well aware they are wrong. Keep in mind the people in control right now think Jesus forgot to set his alarm, so they are trying to start the rapture themselves. They aren’t simply ignoring facts, they are actively trying to end the world.
Unlike Al Gore, this little girl seems capable of defending herself from idiots. So it’s the opposite. They are in fact, unhappy.
This can work but only if we start taxing the shit out of billionaires. No one needs a billion dollars, and I think it gets lost on a lot of people just how big a number 1,000,000,000 is. And we have people with $40,000,000,000 just twiddling their thumbs and buying yachts.
Plenty of people handle their depression in ways that aren’t abusive to others. Anyone who thinks depression is an excuse for abuse is a twat that doesn’t know what the fuck they are talking about.
I know people who got married literal months after meeting and they are some of the happiest people on the planet, and married for years. Living with someone should be required before getting married, but length of time doesn’t really change anything.
Everyone except the super wealthy experience money issues at some point. Some more serious than others. I recently picked up my life so my wife could pursue other career paths. She didn’t want to go to school anymore and wanted to be closer to family, so we moved somewhere cheaper and had to pay for two apartments…
Facial hair is used to cover up a weak chin, something Europeans have in abundance.
Have you ever told a young earth creationist we are descendants of early primates? They’ll flip their collective shit and pass laws to keep it out of schools. People know what they are saying when they compare black people to apes, don’t defend it please.
Yea, I mean honestly, who is the real snowflake here? Is it the people that have spent most of their lives living in the fringe to avoid being ostracized? Or is it the people upset over something being removed that wasn’t central to the story?
Let’s be clear. He does not want to work, he wants the power to oppress minorities again. Joe could work anywhere yet he chooses this. It has nothing to do with work.
Ageism is when a 25 year old is passed over for a job because a 40 year old applied. Saying an 87 year old man shouldn’t work is just common sense, much the same way saying a 3 year old shouldn’t work in construction is common sense. I mean mentally they are both practically the same.