
He doesn’t stand a snowflakes chance in hell against Trump in the primary. Would he be able to run as a third party? He could potentially siphon off votes...

Unfortunately the adults are vaccinated in this case. 100% of anti vaxxers were vaccinated as children, they are just that dumb.

Yea, that they keep telling players it’s there way or don’t play, this game deserves fail.

Wow, after reading this, it’s like Bioware went out of their way to make this game the least fun it could be possibly be.

Last I checked, Aunt Becky doesn’t have an attack dog in the DOJ. I will tell you why this won’t work; Aunt Becky committed the ultimate crime in this country, she jeopardized the ruling class and their ability to cheat the system. 

It’s because $500k isn’t enough to outright buy a building, so it isn’t guaranteeing anything. Aunt Becky knew what she was doing, her only defense is that she was too stupid to actually go through the proper channels to donate...

“I didn’t know the knife would kill that guy. I was just donating it to him by stabbing him 40 times. Why should I have to serve jail time for being an idiot?”

Most white people have never had to deal with police the way most minorities have. It’s why most of these same people are perfectly fine with licking boots but still fly their “Don’t tread on me” flags. They think police are heroes when in actuality, they only exist as an arm to enforce rules set by the ruling class.

Yea anyone who thinks he did it because he couldn’t stand the thought of going to jail have clearly not been paying attention to the way our justice system treats the super wealthy. It’s more likely someone told him he would be given the opportunity to end it soon and he should take it. He wasn’t killed, he was just

Well, of the people mentioned who among them has ultimate federal authority and a personal attack dog in the form of AG? Is it a conspiracy to say that this was orchestrated to get rid of Jeffrey Epstein for Trump? Yes. Is it unlikely? I wish. Chances are he will use this and whatever the fed gathered on Epstein and

It’s interesting because politicians use abortion in much the same way. It’s less about actually caring, and more just a convenient tool for stirring voters and getting them to the polls.

While I agree that games can inspire someone to like a certain kind of gun, our police force cosplaying like they are in the military has nothing to with games, and everything to do with how our society glorifies anyone in a position of authority.

Yea... Allowing people to believe something like wifi hurts them is not healthy. It’s the same logic that has people not vaccinating and regardless of how delicate a discussion it can be, people like this need the right kind of help, not medical frauds enabling their delusions.

Did you say “fuck your feelings”? The look on their faces when you turn that rhetoric on them is priceless. Highly recommend it 

Shhhhh don’t say it so loud, you will give them rage diarrhea 

I think it’s really hard to attack this. A majority of the country it being held hostage by a fringe movement emboldened by a delusional narcissist and enabled by his so call wranglers.

Cats are so good at falling, that if they fall a certain distance, they will flatten their bodies to increase drag AND use their skeletons to absorb the shock from impact. Dropping a cat 4 feet isn’t gonna hurt it unless it’s into a vat of sulfuric acid and honestly I’m not sure that would do much beyond pissing it

It’s a cat... Animal abuse is no joke but of all the animals that you can ‘throw’ a cat is honestly the best option...

The difference is AOC isn’t aiming for the demographic these types of smears focus on. So what if dying baby boomers don’t like her? They’ll be mostly dead and unable to vote by the time she can even run if that happens.

A cockroach’s nervous system is designed in such a way that their body parts can work independently of their brains or something like that. There’s a reason they’ve survived on earth for so long.