
I think my wife would leave me if she ever had to say I was the victim in a fight with a 13 year old.

Don’t you love how right after it was revealed it was recommended Kellyann Conway be fired for violating the Hatch Act, we get the announcement Sarah Sanders is leaving the Whitehouse? It’s almost like this admin has figured out how to manipulate our news cycle....

No, Kolfage knows. He just understands that in today’s political atmosphere, all he has to do to earn the trust of conservatives is pretend as though he is the victim of government overreach. He is a grifter, his only marketable skill is preying on stupid people.

I believe a read story on this website that said she was able to interact with people and display some emotion.

When you are trained from birth to adulthood to believe critical thinking is dangerous, you get people like this. People incapable of evolving their beliefs using the information they consume. Abortion is abortion and police brutality it police brutality. They aren’t the same, therefore, they should be kept apart. Iron

It’s because most republicans actually believe a woman can’t get pregnant from rape.

I read a nice breakdown of the likely motivations for this. Basically our population is on the decline right now, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that currently, woman have the ability to choose when they are pregnant, rather than being forced to begin a new life of motherhood because of one unfortunate

When I first started playing MHW, I wasn’t sure about it. But now I have nearly 200 hours in the game so suffice it to say, this game is good if you give it a chance.

The GOP at this point is just a massive scam machine feeding off it’s voters. Eventually they’ll catch wise but that could be decades.

Yea the argument he will use is “I can’t believe anyone actually believed me. It isn’t like they couldn’t fact check this and not donate. It was obvious hyperbole, it’s their own problem if they didn’t get that.”

It was certainly rushed in the last two episodes. But her going “mad” was not out of nowhere. We’ve seen brief glimpses of her madness, like she when she executed the masters and displayed their corpses. That isn’t something a nice person does...

Money is a universal language, so it stands to reason that they would go to great lengths to distance themselves from stuff like this to protect attendance numbers.

Look at it this way, if these people truly believe someone would carry a child to term only to have a doctor secretly murder it, it says a lot about how they view children. Not as people but as things to own and dispose of when you are tired of them or no longer want them.

It’s clear they wanted the document to be as difficult to parse as possible. These people know who the target audience is and they know that target audience isn’t going to spend much time reading or investigating anything. It’s a huge problem in this country.

They are passionate but not about abortion, it’s all about money. Abortion is just the whip they use to get their sheep back in line and purchasing their bullshit.

It’s funny because if you look closely, this is actually a movie about someone realizing they can make a shit ton more money tricking dumbass Christians into buying terrible books and seeing even worse movies. 

I’m confused. Do DAs bluff? Is Auny Becky’s lawyer an ex poker player? Why would they think a federal DA was bluffing? Do they not understand when you fuck with the feds money they don’t mess around?

Pelosi and other establishment dems don’t like AOC and other progressives for the same reason an Evangelical mother doesn’t want her kids in public school; exposure to new ideas leads to change, and change leads to upheaval at the top.

Considering their daughters posed for photos and were extremely aware the whole time of what was going on, I would say they are all really dumb. Not just the parents

Except when you consider the fact that Miller is the one driving Trump’s hard line stance on immigration policy. Trump only wants to enrich himself.