I’m more shocked 7 Million people bought a Vita.
I’m more shocked 7 Million people bought a Vita.
There are a lot of parallels to this kind of language and the Eugenics craze during the late 1800s - early 1900s. It’s racism disguised by “science” because science, regardless of it’s basis, legitimizes everything (see anti vaxxers). Our only saving grace is that Trump and crew are incapable of getting the messaging…
It’s laughable that EA would do this after Mass Effect Andromeda. It’s as though that company is trying to destroy all the decent studios they own.
He is more likely to choke on a boot, than a dick, if we are being honest.
These people would rather have dead kids than a kid with autism and that is incredibly depressing.
It’s less about a steady hand, I mean, look at who is at the wheel right now. It’s more that you can’t give one branch of government authority over another. They are all supposed to check each other’s power, if one branch had the ability to subpoena and remove the president without impeachment that branch would be too…
Because they are so disconnected from reality, and so in the dark about how government operates and it’s purpose, that they don’t know they should be angry. These people have been told their entire lives the government is bad, so yea, the shutdown to them is great.
President can’t actually cancel that. He isn’t her boss, we are her boss. We are also supposed to be his boss but 1/3 of us can’t seem to understand that...
Cartoon simpleton aside, that entire family has shown time and time again that they believe themselves to be a gift to this world. I imagine anyone giving them advice would be immediately canned.
Thanks to US copyright law, this will go nowhere. Securitas AB should read up on US copyright law before wasting money like this.
Well when you know the people you are trying to reach basically stopped aging mentally around 10 years old, that’s how you talk.
You could probably just have someone read off his remarks in a normal, human cadence. He speaks in such a way that it’s difficult to tell just how incoherent his sentences are. I’ve often considered how funny it would be to have Charlie Day read his speeches as Charlie Kelly from “It’s Always Sunny”. Embarrassing him…
Lol it’s never been about actually strengthening borders. It’s only a racist war drum they beat when they need to get their base riled up about something they wouldn’t otherwise give a shit about. That’s all any of this has ever been.
Personality differences aside, when you marry someone, you made that choice knowing what you were getting into hopefully. The excuse of “I was too young” Or “we are different” is not only bad, it’s disingenuous. It’s a lie on top of another lie. It’s basically a lie sandwich, and it tastes like shit. This person sounds…
In Alabama, having proof of an affair essentially gives you a clean getaway. The person having the affair becomes the one getting cleaned out in court.
Those are all classic excuses from a person that hasn’t figured out that a good marriage isn’t sunshine and happiness 100% of the time. A good marriage means you are devoted to someone and willing to put in the work when it needs to be put in. Love isn’t a weed, it doesn’t just grow everywhere the conditions are…
It’s because the OU game plan relies heavily on gassing opposing defenses. Basically play full throttle until their defense can’t get stops anymore (as rare as a stop in the big 12 is) and pull away. Those field goals were symbolic victories against the first legitimate defense they faced (it showed). Riley wanted…
Also their 1st string QB was injured most of the game. He wasn’t taken out until he got injured again. If that doesn’t happen, Alabama doesn’t beat Georgia. I believe that if Tua had been healthy in that game, Georgia would have gotten run out of the stadium. You can see the game heading that way after the opening…
Agreed, Alabama could have scored anytime they wanted to when they had the ball. They could have scored again before the game ended but did not. This wasn’t as close as the score would have you think. OU was completely outmatched
Sounds like judges not hearing cases was part of the plan...