Jared C Clark

This also seems pretty par for the Thompson/Reed course. Sealab played with all sorts of convention-defying, premise-testing episodes (Stuck in the Closet, Lights Out, the simple fact that the lab had a tendency to explode every episode). And their sophomore adult-cartoon entry, Frisky Dingo, also exploded a premise

Could the opening with Saul working at a Cinnabon be taking place while Walt is in hiding? The first time I watched, I imagined it in the far future. Is this just 8 months down the line from when they all went into hiding? Could he come out of retirement when Walt leaves the cabin and the finale of BB?

I'd read elsewhere that the segment was already filmed and the snake was fine. This is still incredibly stupid, but so, it seems, is creating a petition to stop something that's already happened.

The forest threw me, too. Here's what my immediate thoughts are: it's a future where we had devastated the planet, but action had to be taken. So rather than a dystopian future where the planet is on the brink of destruction, we have one in which it has been saved. At what cost? Well, to keep the planet alive, we need