hardly some great offense lol It’s a fair enough assumption
hardly some great offense lol It’s a fair enough assumption
Definitely not, of course I don’t mind it, but the cars got a long way to go still before I’d consider myself satisfied with it. But I respect that, it’s not something for everybody, I just think the difficulties of it are way over exaggerated
Just get your calipers hydro dipped, it’s not too difficult lol
Well considering my only car is a rhd Eunos Roadster, I’d say I have a fair bit of experience on the matter and no, not really, my turn to my street is a left hander across a 3 lane, 55mph road and I have zero issues with it. Overtakes really no different either, so if anything, I think these “handicaps” were more…
Cause dailying an rhd is just better. Besides, its literally not a bit more difficult than lhd other than having to strectch in a drive through or something
You’re really not tbh
idk what all the talk of instructions is about, just looks like his normal free throw attempt to me
Atleast that knocks the total all the way to 51 in 4 years
Drive any interstates down here and it’s almost comical the number of Asian “massage” parlors you pass
Hey, I’ll agree there’s many downsides to living here, but atleast we don’t have to deface are cars
*Floridian lol
Having to have front plates? Must be a nuisance
Just give it a week and the country could be potentially crawling with rams fans
Could you imagine having to live with a football coach 24/7?
The younger gen of the people who routinely drop 6 or 7 figures on corvettes and mustangs
too be fair, can you name one that legitimately should have kept their job?
I’m sure they already have atleast 3 different ones ready to commemorate this season
Doesn’t have poster goals?? It most definitely does
Carbon fiber/carbon kevlar will compliment anything
Just as long as we don’t end up with another year of Patriots vs. (insert random, usually trash NFC team)