Sir HoonsAlot

Just as long as we don’t end up with another year of Patriots vs. (insert random, usually trash NFC team)

Absolutely nothing tbh

idk I’ve yet to regret the plate I got for my car...

I’ll be honest, I’ve never even heard of Harold Baines

Shoulda just straight KO’d that dude

Thank you, finally somebody else said this. The whole preseason ranking is 100% just to give bogus “big wins” to the top end schools. Like wow , X team knocked off a top 15(insert USC, Wisconsin, Stanford, TCU,etc) so we’ll give them huge points in the poles. Fast forward to mid season and those teams are fighting to

You could’ve at least warned us before hand that it was the NESN broadcast. Nobody should have to listen to that

Fun and automatic don’t belong in the same sentence

lol Salty much?

Dude, that nose though. Like what????

Stick or not, 28k is way ,way too much. CP

Not even necessarily my fav or anything, but for some reason, when I was really little the Ford GT90 was always stupid cool

This is pretty surprising a shop with a rep as big as Titan would even risk it by doing that tbh

That's who I came to read about and left disappointed 

So after these last 3 weeks, how is OSU even in the top 15?

Drove one my parents got as a rental back in the day.It was complete trash

That was my 1st though as well. Contact or not, I don’t she was making it through that turn at those speeds

It is clean though

That was my vote as well

The NFL is a better place with Peterman starting games