Sir HoonsAlot

If I had the cash, I’d definitely buy it

I personally would never slam a car, but why would you be happy about cops meddling unnecessarily in peoples business?

I just relaized his name isn’t actually Francesca

I’d rather just get a regular Cobra for half that price

I may be wrong, but I do believe that the Coyotes PK is actually outscoring their PP 

Doesn’t that go for anybody who, at some point in their career, has taken the floor for the Knicks?

Not gonna stop Caps fans from immediately justifying Wilson’s career of idiocy with this

you heard it hear 1st, then lol

That’s fine, the acting alone makes it a lousy movie, then factor the corniest pay off you could possibly come up with(pretty much on par with when a 5 year old raps up a story with “and then I woke up”) and it makes it one of the worst movies I’ve ever watched.

thanks for flaring up my ptsd from that dumpster fire movie

I’ll admit, I had already forgotten who UMBC was or what they had done

idk, hopefully there’s some good pass rushers in the draft, cause they could use one

+1 goal line sprint

It's really not that dramatic. I think the whole censoring thing a was a but much lol

It looks like the cover paper of a school essay

For real, typically a good game might merit a minute or 2 for a personal highlight real, but nah, this is longer than most game highlights

a 6 minute highlight real of one guy’s 3/4 of a game

I mean, who actually cares 

That’s what the best player is the game does

Come on, there's  3 good players(Mack, Cooper, Nnamdi )