Jared Abel

I was banned under my regular posting name for disagreeing with a certain writer with the initials J.D. All I did was post a comment that disagreed with him and boom, banned. I wasn't vulgar and wasn't over the top, but he decided it hurt his feeling so he banned me. Please, people look up the name SteveDaveMcQueen on

There are some censorship issues on here as well. I was banned under my regular posting name for disagreeing with a certain writer with the initials J.D. All I did was post a comment that disagreed with him and boom, banned. I wasn't vulgar and wasn't over the top, but he decided it hurt his feeling so he banned me.

I wish it had been over with sooner and maybe my account wouldn't have been banned for disagreeing with Jesus.

@KamWrex: The only problem is now Jesus bans whoever doesn't agree with him, even if they aren't being vulgar. Disagree with him and you're done.