obviously these clowns never watched nine eleven.
obviously these clowns never watched nine eleven.
who fucking cares
nintendo fuckin sucks. botw sucks. I’m sure mario is real great grinding for moons. jfc. I sold my switch but regret not sending it through kotaku headquarters window.
wish I got paid to retweet stuff and say dumb shit like it’s gross or gnarly. whelp back to the grind. fuck my life.
but Timothy hooked us up with really cool urban music too. he sunk his video up with something we’re all sure that pitchfork adores. aka it’s prolly chance the rapper. he donates to kids schools and shit yo....
this is one of those garbage ads where you can’t comment correct? cuz who fucking in their right mind gives a shit to read this other than pc idiots?
news flash... the switch is trash. it’s games are trash. you’re welcome.
pappy johns is fuckin trash. and so is their beat ass owner and beat street shill peyton manning.
bad binoculars! bad!
here’s a start... that photo up top is photo shopped.... want to learn anything on this hoodwink read mileswmathis. you’re welcome.
baby’s cried about hog. got nerfed. I switch to other heroes. I like junk. looking forward to him getting nerfed.... jfc
I hope bryant blows his knees out leaving a stinker later today. fuck him.
no dc doesn’t, the city is filled with the biggest idiots of all time.
news flash ya dolts! the Weinstein gobbledygook is a psy-op... please try not to be so easily manipulated.... jfc
who fucking cares. Christ almighty ppl are the worst.
I hope Sherman has a career ending injury this week. muahahahahaha!!!!
ps4 controller
my buddy has one but the controller lag makes almost everything unplayable...
this coming to ps4?
well said