
My goodness. Someone who has the ability to think for themselves! I appreciate your reply! I’m not trying to be a troll. I really don’t understand what JK said that has everyone so angry. No one here wants to say. Sorry/not sorry, but I agree with what she had to say. She was speaking from a biological female point of

So this “review” is under opinion >> Commentary because someone was *hurt* by this game, and I needed to know their hurt was *important*.

Rowling said...and let’s really be honest here....she said that you can’t have trans and non-binary at the same time. Somewhat comically and admittedly hilariously, she also then....k

The main issue I have is that this game, which Rowling had no part in developing, is the focus. If the issue is her profiting from licensing royalties, then why haven't there been protests outside B+N, which has an entire Harry Potter section?  What about Lego, which has been steadily making Harry Potter sets for over

or do you just want buying guides

Prepare to get burned on a stake, how dare you buy anything related to JK being a trans person!!

Okay I think everyone is over this controversy. Like yes there’s actual issues in the real world that need to be fixed and shitty rich people doing their thing. But this stream of articles dunking on this game feels in bad taste imo. I was hopeful for this article and it did start out well but it devolved into yet

Or one can easily read that subplot as “well-intentioned liberal tries to be a savior but actually has no idea what she’s talking about and doesn’t actually understand the group she is purporting to save.” In fact, I would think that such an obvious interpretation of that would be pretty popular in these circles.

I’m pretty sure the “MrGirl” thing, as horrible as that would be, is like a 4Chan bait rumor or something. Has something come out that shows it definitively?

While I’m not a Harry Potter fan, I do enjoy gaming. This is what made me ask what the fuss is all about so I read her tweets and her essay and I didn’t take it as she’s transphobic. She didn’t come across as being afraid or have hate for the trans community. I see that she did have concerns as a biological woman,

I’ve also put about 15 hours into the game and agree it’s largely fine. A solid B game with A+ art direction and environmental detail work that papers over a lot of the open world errand running and cliche narrative tropes. A fine and- if observed in a vacuum- totally innocuous game.
It’s also worth noting that the

I mean I get what you’re saying, but the large majority of reviews are saying it’s far from “very bog standard” lol.

It’s an amazingly deep and fun game. My 9 year old and 15 year old daughters are having a blast exploring. Even my 43 year old wife, who doesn’t play games at all, loves going around and collecting things, opening up the map, etc. The long and short is, it’s probably one of the best, biggest, most fun, and most

Its been a long week, I have covid, my school got shot up this week. But you are correct in saying that my allyship is rooted in convenience. I’ll take that. I’m also the best you’re going to get.

hmmm, interesting comparison, although I think that George Lucas explicitly selling the franchise to Disney (he still gets royalties??) could hypothetically softer the impact a lot more. It would amount to Disney doing some damage control, and further emphasizing how separate GL is from SW, I think.

I understand your viewpoints but at some point you have to let a game be a game. If we stop enjoying things because we stop agreeing with the people who made them, there would be a lot in this world we would all be doing with. Henry Ford was by many accounts an antisemitic jerk but we still by Ford vehicles. Dr. Suess

Kotaku is losing me more and more every article you all write, im a full fledged liberal that thinks trans rights are human rights. I cant stand coming to this site hardly anymore because its not about games its about politics. In every article. I’m just trying to escape, my life is rough too...

I wonder if something came out about George Lucas saying something similar, if people would still respond the same way about all of Star Wars (even if he still got royalties). Harry Potter (like Star Wars) are both a bit beyond their original creators at this point.

Dude, he just wrote the article, don’t shoot the messenger.

Looks like an exhibit. Which is nice, but in that case... they should just make all four. 

Oh that’s still true. John just forgot to mention that in Paldea the custom is for trainers out in the wild to keep their eyes shut until somebody walks up and talks to them.