
Oh this made me laugh, you win!

But would you listen to those songs in A Cappella form?

I don’t believe that inner passions and interests should be bottled up and kept inside a secret lock-box inside yourself to seem “normal” or “cool” to others, except in the case of the admission of creating this playlist, which should be kept perpetually alight in a roaring dumpster fire locked within an shame vault

I truly believe these people never feel safe. What a terrible life.

When I was a teen I loved laxatives because they made me feel thin and lose weight by dehydrating myself. Anyway, after a few years I stopped using them and it took forever for the constipation to go away and for me to rebuild the muscles needed to take a decent shit. Seriously, being a teenager or a young person is

These are people who tell me my five year old son is too old to be in the women’s washroom with me.

I knew I was too old for this stuff the moment I went to a show and spent fifteen minutes looking for a seat because my feet hurt.

I remember reading this article once that said that the hormonal changes that a woman goes through several days during her period is what a man goes through several times a day, so when you get your period you are closer to feeling what it is like to be a man.

When I went into labour with my first child the hospital sent me home because I wasn’t in enough pain - but the reality was that my period cramps were just on par with fucking labour cramps and had been my whole life so I was just used to it. For hours I just walked around my house doing little chores while in full on

Yeah, I don't know what I was expecting, but it is truly what it says it is.

I had this happen too, I was standing in the back yard about to start the lawn mower when I felt this huge cramp wrack my body, then I passed something huge. My husband was like, “Are you ok?” and I was like, “I think they left some placenta behind and it just came out”. He looked like he was going to faint or die