Good thing Samir wasn’t driving, he doesn’t pay attention to the calls.
It’ll be weird to see Porsche offer a lot of different versions of the same car...
Deploying a full self-driving car isn’t going to be an on/off switch. There has to be a ladder to climb. There’s a good chance many people who’ll get into their first fully autonomous vehicle are going to freak out, whereas someone already accustomed to having the machine take car of highway cruising and maybe parking…
Let me try one more time, hopefully with less snark. It will not usurp the Falcon Heavy or “serve the same purpose.” The Stratolaunch can’t lift the payload that the Falcon is capable. Completely different markets/missions.
Not really. On the Saturn 5, the first stage accelerated to a touch over 6,000 mph. I don't know the exact speed of this craft but 600 mph is a reasonable guess. They aren't deleting the stage, they are having to lift it up on a plane.
“. In this way the rocket will not need the expensive and fuel laden stages to get its cargo into orbit (below). This plane intends to serve the same purpose as SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rockets, but ostensibly to more efficient ends.”
All joking aside, the company I work for heavily tracks our vehicles for potential safety hazards (that really is the main reason, 100% honest). Statistically, it’s far, far safer to back into a spot - I don’t recall the exact number but I believe 60+% of incidents coming from a parked to moving vehicle are due to…
A+ would read again.
Tom - Thank you for this article. Not only does it make sense and a counter argument to comments, it’s also not sensationalized and very well thought out, unlike a lot of Jalop articles as of late. I continue reading the comments of the GM news articles and bash my head against my keyboard at the keyboard warriors…
I saw the legend first hand.
The percentage of folks defaulting on zero percent loans is infinitesimal. You don’t get 0% unless your credit is excellent. Acting as if these loans are bad for the consumer is misinformed at best.
It’s because you didn’t throw it in the ocean.
I couldn’t bear to watch all of that video. It was such a grizzly sight; the polar opposite of what I thought that animal could do. I hope more people don’t see this Kodiak moment, as it might cause a panda-monium.
Are you saying that this Malibu needs to be....retired?
I think he lost it in the granny shift. He should’ve double-clutched.
sometimes there is more to victory than what is on a spec sheet.
The article will be titled: “Why buy a new Keurig machine when you can buy this five year old Alfa Giulia instead?”