Theon Grayjoy as an employee of Linus Tech Tips
Theon Grayjoy as an employee of Linus Tech Tips
It means you ARE out of touch. But that’s ok, you’re in good company. I’m in the same boat, and I’m awesome.
Now you’re getting it!
Now you’re getting it!
And I’d never kinkshame you for it. :)
I loved it precisely because it made me feel like I’d been punched in the gut for 30 hours.
I totally understand not wanting to experience works of media that are grim, bitter, and unhappy, but it kinda bums me out how many people are making the argument that it’s bad because of that. “I don’t want to play something so unhappy” is fine, but “this is bad because it’s so unhappy” is pretty shitty, IMO.
Ash have you played Red Dead 2? It sounds like the game you described was read dead 2. Horse, open world, and beautiful scenery.
Calling this game torture porn or a misery simulator is deliberately reductive. Getting very tired of these “The Last of Us 2 is just a game that tries to tell you violence is bad” takes. If that’s the case, Mad Max Fury Road is just a car chase movie. Get Out is just a “racists are bad” movie. Parasite is just a“class…
The neat thing about this is it’s the opposite of black magic - it’s extremely easy to do and pretty straightforward. The hard part is just getting the idea.
I don’t exactly know why. Maybe it’s too similar to Inside, or maybe the trailer and its music is awful for 2019.