Jaqen H'ghar

The FIRST Russian viral hit of the 2020 campaign?!?  Hahahahahahahahahahaha

No it comes from the recognition people get. Either just from outlet writing articles about how crazy skilled they are or from the monetary gaon they get from being a streamer/youtuber.  As long as there are rewards, trophies, or money/fame to be gained from cheating then there will be cheaters.

I personally feel like you should stop stanning for Cardi B and do a better job looking into Carole Baskin than taking that incredibly biased and heavily edited Tiger King’s word for it. 

I hate that I cant star on mobile so im leaving this instead.

The things they tested are in the air in the US as well in high concentrations in high traffic areas.

Well when you inflate viewing numbers by causing every person who visits the site to watch the video in full without knowing cause you play the video on mute in the background (using huge amounts of data for people on mobile), then eventually your advertisers are going to find out about it and not be happy. Its kind


Man I bounced right off of Control, I don’t know why as it’s the type of game that is right up my alley but something about the controls felt off and floaty as hell as soon as the game started and she didn’t feel connected to the world at all.  That’s something I can’t really stand in a game but it’s kind of hard to

Is it also based on the exp that you earn and not just the games?  It most likely is just cheaters (unless beta progress carried over).  Typically %0.1 trophy earners within the first few days of a game’s release are people using some kind of tool.  It depends on what the achievement is though.  I mean some people

To the developers not understand that there are tools for cheating that there are no way that they can detect?  That if the biggest devs in the world can’t stop cheating that there is no way that they can stop it (or even hope to detect the good ones) especially if they can’t keep up with server demand.  Since lag

No Sony owns the vudeo game rights too.  Activision had them for a while but now they have reverted back to Sony.  

“Usually its good to find a middle ground between two extremes.”  Uhhh no its not, thats literally a fallacy called the argument to moderation or the middle of the road fallacy.  The truth doesnt exist between the middle of to positions and presenting false balance between to points is itself a lie.  

I mean I could understand how Ryan Reynolds could be in the dark as a Canadian but I dont know about Blake (as I dont know where shes from).

I mean youre not far off, shes 17 and the videos are from when she was around that age. I mean she should still apologize and ir just goes to show you that racism is something that is deeply ingained at a young age but I dont think that means she should be held to the same standard as like a Stassi Shroeder saying

Oh thats right, Ellen gave Kevin cover  and a lot of his defenders online cover to say, “see he cant be homophobic, Ellen likes him.”  I completely forgot about that.  So turns out maybe she wasnt the best judge of his character back then and hes probably not the best judge of her character now.  

I mean I’m w/ you there as far as Texas death cult conservatism but they’re usually not coming from UT (in fact most of them hate UT from their very soul). I mean some of the worst people to come out of politics have been from Texas that is true but UT itself has been responsible for some truly great breakthroughs in

It’s kinda like how I was excited about Games Pass on PC until I found out it was Windows 10 only. Which is crazy since PS Now is available on Windows 7 and Microsoft makes it’s games available on Steam. I mean I have Windows 10 now but at the time I thought it was a ridiculous requirement.  It’s also crazy to me that

So wait let me just clarify here, people gave PS Now a bunch of crap for being too expensive and then when they dropped the price to $9/mo they gave them crap for copying Xbox. This is despite the fact that w/ PS Now you could already access cloud gaming and game downloads and transfer saves seamlessly. That and the

So you dont actually understand the differences between the ps4 and ps5 controllers...

I would imagine it has something to do with him being a Sony character in the film world but that doesnt make sense cause they only own the film rights and this isnt based on the MCU.  Unless this is tied into the Insomniac version (which did have Avengers tower) and its that Spiderman.  That would be the only way