Yeah they dont do anythig about flags anymore it seems like. Or at least they were fir the longest time.
Yeah they dont do anythig about flags anymore it seems like. Or at least they were fir the longest time.
You know what I see when I read this comment? Juvenoia hiding being supposed authority. Face recognition is a problem but tik tok is FAR from the biggest culprit and in fact chinese based companies are working with police departments on fsce recognition. Chinese based AI companies are working in the IS. If it was…
Except it wont be because you’ll still have those people who will say they prefer the old graphics even if its objectively true that they are worse. Hell even if the old game performs worse in every way there will he a not insignificant group who will say they prefer the old one either cause they are pcmr people or…
I mean PS Now on the PC is a pretty good way to play them. You cant download any PS3 games anyway so that missing on PC isnt as big of deal. It being limited to 720p isnt either since most PS3 games were 720p as well. Not only that but I got Now recently after cashing in my Sony Rewards points (really sucks they…
Its like no one understand how autoimmunity works...
I mean she probably sucks but I dont know that that is proof. I’ve been an extra before where we stood outside waiting around in 37 degree weather for 9-10 hours and got nothing more than a passing glance from tge talent despite being in multiple scenes with them. I didnt take it personally, just figured they were…
I do not understand why yall constantly insist on getting your information from page six and directing traffic to there. It is owned by Rupert Murdoch the same as the Post. You may as well cite Fox News as sources and link there or any of his trash in the UK.
He definitely makes it a point to make every little skit and bit that he does w/ a celeb or to hosting the Tony’s about him. Even the riding in the cars bits he is constantly singing over everyone.
Netflix IS Hollywood...
Which security experts are these? Every one ive read recently who lookef into that behavipr has exposed that TikTok wasnt the only app doing that. Not only that but TikTok has promised to release their algorithm and called on everyone else to do so.
You dont have to do anything that drastic. You only have to adjust that rubber foot right where the eject sensor is. What I would try first though is to clean the area around the eject sensor. Its much more likely that a piece of dust, debris, or even a loose hair has fallen in just the right place that the PS4…
When its a liberal school like UT under constant attack by asshole rebublicans in the state since its a state school it is.
No they have not. They have not been cutting Clinton out of pictures with Eptstein like Fox News did with Trump so you can get out of with that. I have heard Clinton mentioned many times on places like CNN and MSNBC as well as just the regular places and even these sites. Clinton doesnt show up with Epstein nearly…
There is no set number of dates you should he getting. Stop looking at it like that. That is putting way too much pressure on yourself and you need to be thinking about quality over quantity anyway. Your biggest focus should be on trying to learn how to relax on dates so that your focus isnt “how am I going to turn…
I know people who would kill to go on one date a month. You seem to he desperate to find someone to marry because you think time is running out and you are pushing the issue so you are trying to run through as many possible in order to find the right one. That or you wamt to sleep with as mant women as possible and…
All fair points and honestly the only thing that kept me watching has been the phenomenal cast (especially the actors for Anne and Charles). Which makes the fact they left out her kidnapping even more egregious. I mean they had plenty of time to keep in all Charles stuff in Wales and of course the only thing Anne…
The Crown is pro-tory/anti-liberal propaganda and gets very little actual history right. All you have to do is look at how they portrayed the Kennedy’s or how they made the Apollo astronauts look like buffoons or even misrepresenting the time in office of one of the more prominent Labour Prime Ministers.
Most of the things on that list were actually in the game at launch. People just didnt take the time to look for them. They went straight to the center pf the starter galaxy without exploring and created that list.
Id like someone who actually speaks Chinese to translate what the words say cause this seems more like a giant scam to drum up fear in those who believe China create Covid. Mystery seeds are super cheap so it would be an easy hoax to pull off.
Oh he can most definitely name the three branches a government. Specifally because he has spent the past 4 years completely devastating the judiciary so thoroughly it will take a generation to undo the damage. He also is alway focused on the Senate and the balance of power there.