Jaqen H'ghar

Kinda messed up to connect the the RFK human rights org which stands up got trans people to this.  Im sure there were literally thousands of other images of her you couldve picked.

Yeah just check out cameo you’d be astonished who is on there and how cheap they are willing to do it.

Well aint that some bullshit

Yeah it definitely looks fake as hell.  Some of these phots arent even the actual pixel art photos pf the characters.

Why would you pay attention to Metacritic user reviews? They havent been honest for a long time. Especially not since botting became a thing. The ironic thing about them calling out critic reviews for beingf paid for is that its more often user reviews that are bought and paid for. Even when its not a brigading

Oohh thats bad news like my God are they some evil mfers.  Side note: I thought Cernovich was banned from Twitter how is he verified and has the highest reply to that post?  Also did you see where Trump appointed Bannon’s mentor to head VOA?

Free game giveaways have been happening long before epic store came along. Steam, GOG, Origin, Uplay, and Humble do them all the time.

See as someone who has always said AC2 is the best in the series Origins is a great game and a I feel people who say stuff like this only dont like like the Egyptian setting and are trying to hide behind that.  AC Unity and AC Syndicate are games you can sat that about but Origins is the first game since Black Flag

I’d much rather have this than an expansion to Destiny 2.  Crash is one of my fav franchises since I was a young’n.

This is such a ridiculous comment bordering on parody. At no point as Joe Biden himself said that he was going to pick her and before she came out with this. “Let me get sympathy points and box out people I dont like cause I wasnt going to get picked with my baggage anyway” it had come out that he had narrowed it

Yep the entire reason Nazism has been allowed to return is because the people who are the oldest now are the people who were sick of hearing about from their parents and dont think it couldve been as bad as they say it was.  Now that their parent are gone they dont have to worry about letting them down or getting put

Yeah ignoramus except for the fact that the current spikes in the Coronavirus are due to the openings in the economy and from weeks prior to the protests and we haven’t even seen the effects of the protests yet. Not only that but the spikes are starting up in rural areas.

John Oliver showed how worthless Guinness Book of World Records is so....

Get ready to see Democrats grace Bolton with accolades for his honesty and completely absolve him of his cowardice when it, arguably, mattered most.” Literally poisoning the well. 

...and I was going after them for criticizing the Dems as if they did nothing because there is nothing that they can do that can force someone to testify besides someone to testify besides a subpoena and even then they can plead the 5th (though there are exceptions).  I was not sticking up for Bolton as the dude is an

Yes I do I think it would have made it a hell of a lot harder for people like Susan Collins to claim ignorance or that Trump would “learn his lesson” and would make their vote look a lot more craven. Would they have still voted to acquit? We’ll never know but probably but at least it would have removed their form of

I remeber cause she was one of my first crushes as a kid in the 90’s and I’m just a girl and spiderwebs were my jam. Plus I also had a huge crush on Gavin so them getting together was just yes please. Let me live vicariously through that.

God I hate that youre making me defend Bolton but actually Km defending the dems. Pretty sure Bolton was willing to testify and the dems issued a subpoena but the WH blocked them during the impeachment. 

Stockholm syndrome?

Thats like Alex from DF complaining that the sky and clouds in Death Standing never changes and then commenting about the clouds in the trailer for this game.  Which shows he just didnt play far enough into the game. Not that Ian was complaining here and he couldve just forgotten about the snapmaw.