Jaqen H'ghar

“..and he’s not the only one.”  You mean like a certain popular Youtuber that is suuuper lucky that he controversies werent now.

Aside from all those bits that are getting vaulted that will be the only places they are useful you mean?

As long as people like Garth Ennis (and others worse than him) continue to get held up as icons in the comic book world for “bringing the real world to comics“ and get lucrative deals for it then I wouldnt be holding up the comics as a place that handles this well.  Especially when the head of Marvel Comics is who he

Too bad the version I own is the GOG version. Oh well cool for those that can use it.

Should I start at Divinity 1 or is it okay to jump in at 2?  That’s if Im  someone who really doesnt like to miss out on the story.  However if its covered pretty well in thd second game thats okay then.

Whereas im like one of the few people in my white family who regularly washes their hands and constantly get called a germaphobe for doing so.  Even though I dont even do it to an OCD level and Ive know plenty of white people to not wash their hands after using the bathroom.

Yeah except like most things Jez pists of Joe it was a quote taken out of context and the full quote in context actually is a salient point and isnt saying what post is implying as other commenter pointed out here and routinely do.

Lmao touche “unnnngggghhhh *rattle rattle rattle*”

I’m down, not least because one of those games is using Luminous (Project Athia) and I haven’t even watched all the trailers but that means that Square hasn’t given up on that engine. I really don’t get people complaining or saying that it was “meh.” Like this happens every next gen console reveal where people

I don’t think there could have been better news from this reveal and this is how I feel right now...

Terese Neilsen (which sucks cause she is one of the best artists) she is way deep into the Alex Jones and deeper rabbit hole.  Well past just a Trump supporter.

Im so sick of the counterfeit $20 dollar bill b.s., do you know how easy it is to get a counterfeit bill?  I worked in a bank and the amount of people who handed me a counterfeit bill would blow your mind.  Hell Ive had ATM machines give me counterfeit bills before because unless you specifically know what to look for

Well with how well them just refusing to no longer worn with an artist who turned out to be an alt-right sympathizer went over with a not insignificant portion of their fans (not even removing her cards). Im sure the community will be completely understanding of this move and there will be absolutely no videos posted

they’ve said a lot of things over the years that turned out to either be outright lies or bending the truth so far over backwards it’s amazing it didn’t break.  They’ve rebranded light levels so many times I’ve lost count and each time said they were entirely new things.  They said that you would be able to take your

Which is especially lame considering Destiny 3 was supposed to be the one where they gave a new engine that was supposed to be done in Destiny 2 that would mean they’d stop complaining about the tools being the reason they can’t develop content.  

That was class

That Tucker toilet comment As others have pointed out was perfection.


I mean the tower and all around was drastically changed when Destiny 2 first started and that ended up not meaning much of anything.  So not only is this not the first time the tower has been altered its not the first time its been a letdown either.