
I was driving to my home state and hit a section of freeway that is kind of split off from the rest of the 65mph. This little foray of interchange was rated at 50mph and I did not know. I had my cruise set and was actually trying not to speed. I got pulled over in an obvious sting, seeing several cars pulled over a



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Yeah, to those who think money is the root of evil, anyone associated beyond consuming is getting some evil by association. In fairness, if the Fed would stop sacrificing chickens to predict the economic climate, that would help their image.

You spend the week pouring over everything? Mon dieu!


In the case of alcohol and Tobacco, one of the things most people forget is that statutory criminal use is still a black market. So the black markets for these products are not only moonshine and tax-free cigs, they are also underage buyers and sellers to those buyers. Here, you can see the effect in the situation in

There’s a good start. If you are really interested in looking into it, you should be able to go much farther once you digest that and learn some good sources, search terms, and citations. The following covers ivory, weed in Washington, wed in Colorado, Prostitution, general theory etc.

It depends who you are. That kind of deal usually cuts a few throats to spread a small boon to many. It is the inverse when you do tariffs and other similar measures. It can help a few a lot (by giving them well-paid job opportunities), but spread a little pain to everyone by having costs go up to pay for those jobs.


That is why I no longer do lo profile tires. I will upgrade any other part of my suspension to get cornering performance before I go back to them. I lost 4 tires in one year from jagged crumbling Texas roads. On those little roads, there’s no where to go to avoid them. 1 lane each way, speed limit 70. cars right

Definition Redneck (n.) - ... 3 - One who goes mudding. synonym - 59Eldawg

People that do that feel entitled, even as they may shout at a politician on a screen that entitled people are destroying the world. lol My first car was Wrangler and I loved it, but I would routinely see scene like a fence section knocked over (or a ramp made by putting plywood over a downded chain-link fence so that

One problem, counter-intuitive though it is, black markets can have a tendency to increase with deregulation. These are profitable businesses with huge mark-ups. Those mark-ups can go away in an instant to stay competitive in a deregulated environment and regulated drugs will always carry a higher price due to taxes,

I don’t excuse that lax turning behavior at all. Turning wide is illegal and creates traffic congestion by stopping those across from you from turning into their closest lane at the same time (since you are wrongfully in it).

USe your turn signal properly.

You’re forgetting, that 14k in income is to a person that doesn’t have a car or house payment (they sleep in their cars). So, effectively they are millionaires! Once I take out my house and car payment, I don’t clear 14k.

No, the viewpoint is not controversial. You mention a controverial situation that doesn’t fit into the viewpoint (which is why it is controversial), but the view itself stands alone.

It’s actually a really Socratic viewpoint they are advocating. I struggle with living the basic ideas of that view, but I can’t say its crazy or unheard of or even not respected. Many philosophy academics would agree withe their basis of thought. In fact, what these radio guys are advocating isn’t even as severe as

Do you have a minute to talk about our Lord and Savior, Ayne Rand. She foretold all this in the book of Atlas. Please, if I could just have a moment...or not. Really, it’s your choice. That’s kind of our whole thing here at the Church of John Galt of Latterday Capitalists.