
So that's what a James Bond moment looks like in the real world...

This looks like the cover letter I attach to my resume.

I like my trucks like I like my women. Light in the rear with no load. Screw the Kardashians.

Well, his spinning didn't stop when left the road. He just slowed down.

me too. same car, same method. I also turn of tc right when I come out of the wash to spin off the water and cleaners and get some traction back. again, only on the empty road on the way out and only for a few seconds to help spin.

I'm one of the latter and it can be frustrating. I have to deal with the "douchebag or rental car" looks.

I can't go with you on that. I have never driven past my limitations as a driver (or rider), unless I was in a huge empty lot practicing (to find my limits). When I fishtail on the road, I rein it in and never have caused an accident or distressed any reasonable drivers. It starts by not peeling out on a turn (like

Yeah, he really never regained traction, though. That was just the brief time between his slow as hell shifting where he didn’t have the petal through the floor. I agree with another poster, though. I just commit to the skid and let my rear enad ride a little sideways for a second. Then, when it catches, it comes

Cardouche. Or does that sound too Egyptian? You gotta say it with oomph. car-DOUCHE!

I would guess the reduction in g's on the slide simulated a side impact (like sliding and then stopping because your door hits a wall).

So, they are asking for it?

You might be /s, but I’m not sure because I hear this a lot. You need to use the clutch on it. Even though you can shift without it in the sweet spot, it is still bad. There are some bikes that are made for it and mention it; however, it is really hard to do correctly and will damage your system overtime if done

To be honest, this whole segment seems like it’s for people who want to ride fire roads and light trails on the other side of the country. Or, more simply put, they want to tour but not have to stop when the road turns to dirt.

Mathematically, it does give you a bigger contact patch. However, not much bigger at all. There is another way it helps, but it’s by association. Bigger wheels, mean that you can fit a lower profile tire on without changing the overall diameter of the tire. Lower profile tires improve traction because they are stiffer

Dude, you algebra, bro!?

I think they may have been making a manufacturer joke and meant Mitsu.

Trolling the troll thread... That's so meta

I think he wants more ejaculate generated content. He NEEEEEEDS it!

this is hilarious.

I just imagine that's the battle cry they scream as they shove metal shards in your face. <rumble, rumble, rumble> "Ta KA TAAAAA!" then you die like in Street Fighter.