Pardon me if I implied their histories aren’t interrelated. I was vaguely aware of power struggles over the centuries, but didn’t know anything nearly so detailed as this. Thanks.
Pardon me if I implied their histories aren’t interrelated. I was vaguely aware of power struggles over the centuries, but didn’t know anything nearly so detailed as this. Thanks.
Norway and Denmark have both shared history and a shared language history. Norway was until 1814 in a real union with Denmark. The period under Denmark is often called the 400 year night, Norwegian because of the slow rot of Norwegian self-government. Danish was the language of the elites (who were taught and in…
As someone who has family in Denmark, I can tell you the Norwegians and Danish are as intertwined in history and culturally as the Scottish and the Irish - so it’s like McDonald versus MacDonald. Denmark ruled Norway (sort of) at one point, I believe.
Tonight, after my Zumba class, I honed in on a white woman telling someone about her trip to NYC, and how she and her fellow husband in white visited “North Manhattan” and how cool and culturally diverse it was. She started talking about taking a tour of the Apollo, and I blurted, “You mean HARLEM???” This heifer was…
Famous Beckeishas: Anyone with the last name “Kardashian;” Miley Cyrus; Rachel Dolezal; white girls who twerk
...And if you’re offended by this post, you might be a Becky.
Stacey Dash.
They’re called Stacey Dashes.
Definitely not a fan of having my name be synonymous with a sex act - dudes can say really creepy shit when you introduce yourself!
I really feel like you should have included at least one type of non-black WOC Becky. There is always THAT one non-black, non-white woman who will defend white supremacy and uphold it at all costs just to feel superior over black people.
My condolences...Becky.
Michael Harriot killed me dead today. I’m writing to you from the grave. Bitchhhh I wasn’t ready for that
P.S. I will never be able to forget this song since my name is actually Becky :/