
Yeah if she's into them start from the beginning I think. I remember the episode that really got me hooked was when they went some fake Golden Age world created by some crazy kid.

If she's not already into superheroes I'd probably start with JLU. The beginnings of Justice League were kinda rough for me and it took a while to get into.

Or at least Nick Kroll as Stallone. The Sly/Frank CBB is one of my favorites.

and Adam Claytwothousandpounds

I was gonna say that show would be too depressing because of Miriam's slide deeper into alcoholism until i saw the wiki entry for it said she's "attending AA meetings and working at a TV station." So that's nice. Even at 8 I thought her smoothies seemed funky.

The dude was on the Jeff Rubin Jeff Rubin Show podcast when that book came out and did a similar thing to the point where the host, one of the most agreeable guys I've ever heard, was doing "wait what why?" Klickstein went on a whole bent about how many shows of this era (Lost, Breaking Bad, etc.) were bad with the