It sounds like you’re one of the good ones in the Wedding Industrial Complex, but I’m pretty sure that I read that Halliburton is the largest supplier of wedding flowers and most cake toppers are constructed by Lockheed-Martin.
It sounds like you’re one of the good ones in the Wedding Industrial Complex, but I’m pretty sure that I read that Halliburton is the largest supplier of wedding flowers and most cake toppers are constructed by Lockheed-Martin.
Unless the wedding is a women castrating, disemboweling and showering in her future husband’s blood while reciting a few pieces of Audre Lorde’s writing,(while wearing white, of course, YOU CAN’T HAVE A WEDDING UNLESS YOU ARE WEARING WHITE) IT IS NOT A FEMINIST WEDDING. GET OUT. GO ON. GET.
Kaur told the Agence France-Presse that they were overjoyed to welcome the child, especially after decades of taunting over infertility.
Well, now, wait a minute. This statement is from the defendant’s attorney, and it’s all sorts of weirdness. The other girls repeatedly hit her in the head and torso. The defensive attorney even used the phrase “consensual” when referring to a fight. No no. That’s not a word you can use for that. Then, he said it was…
oh thank god i qualify.
i spilled beer all over it
so excited for Kourtney & Khloe Take Pyongyang tho
(And here’s what always bothers me about extreme attention to the granular symptom: it often lets the cause, which here is the ex-boyfriend and the system that produced him, off the sharpest point of the hook.)
The overuse of “Hitler” also popped into my head while reading this, as well as “Nazi” and “fascist.”
That is absolutely true. For now. Who knows what’ll happen if certain orange people manage to swindle their way into the White House, though. I fear for this country.
See, the nice thing about the draft is that it threatens to send the children of the rich as well as the poor off to war, whereas a volunteer-only service basically means it’s only poor kids who have to go die. And when rich kids have to go off to war, their powerful parents take decisions about military involvement…
Yeah, so you can be killed by a woods-dwelling survivalist psycho in peace.
Indeed their artisan cupcake and cosmo parties don’t pay for themselves.
i know it is wrong to crack up at that BUT I DID. IT’S FUNNY CAUSE IT’S TRUE.
We should make one of those stupid ‘Visit california!’ commercials but instead of beaches and golfing we’ll show them stabbings and dog fights!
When I was in school there was at least one fight in the girls restroom a day. They actually had to station a security guard outside all of them.
Pretty impressed at how fast you spun this story into a school underfunding issue. So: Blame #1: underfunding. Blame #2: fragile anatomies. Nowhere: the pieces of shit who beat her.
Exactly. I don’t feel any feminist outrage over students not being able to show up to class shirtless or in their underwear (although, that one school that was ok with male students appearing shirtless in the yearbook but had a problem with the girls wearing tank-tops and semi-low-cut blouses in the yearbook? That was…