My Instagram Sunsets Over Brooklyn Will Never Be The Same by Millennial English major making $35K being forced to move back home because she can’t find an apartment below 2k a month in Carrol Gardens.
My Instagram Sunsets Over Brooklyn Will Never Be The Same by Millennial English major making $35K being forced to move back home because she can’t find an apartment below 2k a month in Carrol Gardens.
Even people who are experienced with guns probably shouldn’t have them at home. The only thing they do is make it more likely that someone, somehow, gets shot and dies—more likely you or someone you love than someone trying to harm you. That is a fact. (Also, yes, this site is full of dudes who read too much Cormac…
For all you weirdo gun fetishists here arguing that people who are serious about survival should have guns:
It’s 5.11 Tactical. 3.11 Tactical would be made of hemp and full of weed. But then again, if it’s doomsday, might as well light up...
She said she’s not prepping for doomsday, though, she’s thinking of a hurricane or an earthquake. I’ve lived through plenty of hurricanes without a gun. If someone is just preparing for an “ordinary” disaster, there’s no reason to get a gun if a gun in the house makes them feel less safe. Young children may be one…
She lives in Brooklyn, no guns allowed for mere magazine writers.
It was a Bernie joke, so did it even really have a chance?
I see your point, but if crazy uncle is threatening to set the house on fire, and has the means to do it, I don’t think you can just ignore it. I’m not sure what the solution here is since, from what I’ve read, while China doesn’t like the idea of a nuclear North Korea, it has resigned itself to it. At the same time (…
Better watch out. The herd doesn’t like actual, logical thought.
You mean cleaning up the steaming pile of shit the last GOP administration left for us?
The multi trillion dollars we spent trying to fill in the hole that the Cheney administration swindled us into digging in Iraq?
The war that we’re still fighting?
I’m with you. The left is clearly supporting basic human needs, while the right is always about the luxuries of the well-to-do. Silencers are retarded. Literally, they retard sound waves, but also they’re a stupid thing for a government to propose. No good will come of it. Apparently, the GOP doesn’t play a lot of…
We do not build carriers to fight naval battles against China and Russia. We build carriers to project air power anywhere in the world, at any time, whether we have accessible air bases with mission permission or not. That is what carriers have been used for since World War II and will continue to be used for.
I own several suppressors and whatever your politics they are fuckin’ sweet.
“I don’t get why you boys feel the need to post jokes and shallow vapid pieces all day. How hard is it to do a couple of gossipy-fun posts (you know celebs, sports what the fuck ever that is silly and fun)...”
This is the joke though.
Unfortunately, they own 2/3 of the guns in the country.
she’s not saying it’s perfect.
“Wow, I really suck compared to this guy.”
Yet those societal impulses must be accounted for in any implementation of reform. They have been the prime obstacle against economic reform to date and I have yet to see anything put forth that amounts to more than the academic possibility of reform.
Do you think it’s possible to be a feminist and not devote every action of your life to feminism?