Japan Hathaway

I don’t think people realize how much has crept out of reach for a lot of millennials. To buy a 2 bedroom house in my city, in a relatively decent neighborhood, that doesn’t need serious renovations will cost you north of $450 000. You need to be making more than $66 000 a year to have your housing expenses be only

here’s one of the new toilets..

Sigh. It’s NOT “San Fran”.

From what I've heard about San Francisco's homeless problem, it sounds like SF already is one big bathroom.

A couple hundred less than my friend pays for a decent size one bedroom in NYC.

God I love that move. So goddamn much.

My fiancée and I are having this exact conversation now. She wants to keep her last name and I’m happy with her decision. At first, I was a little hurt - I took it as a sign she didn’t want to share my name with me, which is the social norm all my life. But after thinking about it and realizing I was being ridiculous

Not so much. The reason that affordable areas are affordable is that the demand is not high, usually because the job market is not so great.

Ugh. Eat the rich.

What happened to Nieto is devastating. I think many dynamics were at play but I feel articles about San Francisco’s gentrification over simplify the issue.

Sure. I can fuck other people and he can fuck other people. He hasn’t fucked anyone yet and I fucked someone last week. Then I let him know and he gets aroused AF and the competition of sorts motivates him to be a super awesome husband and exercise more intensely, fuck me better, cook better, etc. It’s not a do it

I’m raising a boy, and he’s too young yet for these conversations, but that’s where we are heading with him.

This is so different from the impression I’ve had so far. My impression is that BDMS on this site has always been presented as “empowering” and more feminist than your regular vanilla practices, more steeped in theory, and thus more aware of gender dynamics, more interested in consent, more respectful of women etc etc

I completely agree. I am not now, nor have I ever been a dominatrix but had many clients/friends who were so I am familiar with the dynamics thereof.

Super unpopular opinion- I really don’t like legalizing prostitution because of the commodification of (mostly) female bodies. I think if it was a small scale with women having total control over being paid for what they decide on, it would be different. But, it’s not. For the most part, when prostitution is legal,

I might not ethically like the idea of a someone being paid for sex, but I think it should be legal. I don’t think pimps should be a legal part, since when you add pimps into the mix you deal with possible coercion and the sex workers not getting their fair share of the money. But if no pimps are involved, and the sex

This poor woman. I’m glad he’s dead, I’m sorry it took so long, and I hope she gets the chance to rebuild her life.

It seems like the failure was more than just the law, but a society that seemed unable to offer this woman and her family safe and reliable options to report and escape the abuse for decades on end. And this is clearly not exclusive to France.