Can we just have Civil War Part Deux already and get it over with?
Can we just have Civil War Part Deux already and get it over with?
IDK, what’s so bad about hurting them...
Only corporations live there. But, I guess they count as people...
Surprised he didn’t mention Harriet Tubman’s brave refusal to sit at the back of the bus...
“...leave peacefully”
Just for reference, in 1945, the US military had over 12 million active duty personnel, now, that number is well below 1 million. It would be difficult to raise a similarly large force without conscription. That said, the type of large scale industrial war against a peer/near pear adversary that would necessitate such…
Doesn’t getting “even” really require subjugating white people via violence, not just talking shit?
No one should be surprised by this, just like no one should be surprised by industrialized countries using military force, or the threat of military force to maintain their global economic hegemony, its the rational, albeit shortsighted, thing to do. The tensions over the recent influx of migrants into Western Europe…
Yeah, I saw that! Most people have no idea how real shit is about to get. It seems they’re either convinced that industrial civilization will just continue forever, or they’re nutjob preppers who believe that a single event (usually something unlikely like an asteroid or a solar flare) will send us into Mad Max…
And that’s what we should be more concerned about than Y’allqueda (not to say I don’t want the FBI to entrap their fucking asses). It’s especially distressing to think that all the Trump/Brexit/Golden Dawn shit is only going to get worse as rising sea levels and climate change force mass migrations from equatorial…
No more significant than the acts of domestic terror that have already occurred in recent years unrelated to this election. My point is not that this rise in far-right racist and xenophobic rhetoric isn’t dangerous, but that like you said, large scale insurrection isn’t likely. Trump and his ilk are certainly a threat…
In an actual civil war the military would likely suffer significant defections. See Syria 2011.
I agree (big fan of “It Can’t Happen Here” as well), but we’re looking at the possibility of a murder or two maybe related to all this dispicable rhetoric, which in a country with 13,000ish homicides a year isn’t all that significant.
What constitutes “bloodshed” for you? Hate crimes happen routinely in the US. No matter how hateful the rhetoric this election cycle, I wouldn’t bet on hundreds, or even dozens of people being killed in politically motivated violence.
Harder to do anything unseen these days, what with the ubiquity of smartphones.
Where do you live? I’m sure it wouldn’t be that difficult to find the living descendants of those who once occupied the land you own.
Huh? Effective application of violence is a perfectly good answer to many problems!
While white people certainly get the benefit of the doubt far more then black folks, Nevada and New York City have vastly different gun laws (possessing a firearm requires a permit so difficult to obtain that it amounts to de facto prohibition).