
While I do not applaud anymore, I know it’s usually more likely during longer stateside or international flights where we might have encountered some turbulence (Sahara desert anyone? never again...)/crazy takeoffs/landings where the pilots did an exceptional job and/or the flight crew was exceptionally courteous. So

Got my mom one for Christmas and have been jealous ever since. I just got mine...

Got my mom one for Christmas and have been jealous ever since. I just got mine...

Agreed and starred.

I’m a little bit of a nervous flier (I don’t fly often). Best flights I ever had (turbulence wise and sound wise) was sitting at or in front of the wing. One time, I sat at the very back and I could feel everything. Never again.

I mean, this seems like a given, until you have that weird growth on your face... Usually, I shower at the gym, but on days when I don’t, I make it a point to wash my hands and rinse my face (that dried sweat can lead to breakouts...)

I have so many different kinds, it’s not even funny; all over my desk, all over my house. EOS, Burt’s Bees, Chapstick. But something was causing my lips to discolor, so I back to good old petroleum jelly. Ain’t nothing like the original...

My friends always make fun of me for going to sleep early, but I do wake up at 4 to workout. I may be a party pooper, but I always feel great when I get that sleep.

how would you practice this with social anxiety?

I’m currently going through Spotify Premium withdrawal... now I have to reconsider my hasty decision.

I have a brachial plexus injury from birth, so it’s hard for me to lift heavy items overhead. The last time I traveled, I asked my seatmate if he could retrieve my bag for me.

I use onesentencediary.com. If I don’t write for awhile, it’ll email me a reminder.

I've gotten into the habit of going to my gym early when it opens. Older/retired people tend to work out then, so I get my choice of machines and people pretty much leave me alone. If my earbuds are off and I'm moving around, I don't mind a hi or saying "morning" to someone. But when I'm in my zone, I'm in my zone.

The one thing I didn't know is that your shoe size changes. Growing up and at my heaviest, I was a size 10-1/2-11. I lost 110 pounds initially and went down to a size 9. Gained about 60 pounds back and I went back up to a size 10. I knew my closet would be a mess, but my shoes?!

I do this all the time!

We used to put our parent's African music tapes in there and jam... it was creepy, but we were jamming... LOL! Good times!


East Africa for the win!

I cannot wait for that Hype Machine Android app...

Range Rover. That commercial is so bizzare...

I love Winston so much; he's totally the best part.