Jan Van Der Heyden

She has no chance - she’s not even remotely likable - but let’s pretend she does. Her first act as president is to immediately sell whatever she can for her own benefit after she leaves office. More war, more giveaways to corporations and other elite entities she hopes to gain favor with, both domestically and

The left and right exist. They’re just benchmarks for political ideology. I think you’re trying to say that the Democrats and Republicans do not represent those benchmarks as many think they do. Agree. Neocons infect both sides and have captured the centrists. They’re slowly waking up though which is why most of them

I’m not pretending to be a Sanders supporter. His ideas are ill-conceived, idealist, and generally insane. But I do believe that he believes in them. I believe he has integrity. No other candidate does.

Hey Max, how’s your day going? Mine is being spent in my normal way, completely alone. How about you? Nice day outside. My room’s in the basement so I can only see through the window wells. Still, looks like a beauty! 

There are many things on which the right and left can agree. Kamala Harris being a genuinely bad person is one of them.

You got me all wrong, 600percentMarkupPopcorn. I support Trump. That said, if another Obama-styled neocon was on the ticket for the GOP I’d happily vote for Bernie.

Bernie seems to be the only candidate with integrity. This is why the DNC will not select him to be their nominee.

Will you be my friend?

My friend, I too have roots spread across those portions of the Midwest. There is a very good chance that I have a meaningful percentage of Native in me. I do not mark myself as such. Nor would I ever get a DNA test. The DNA companies are using their data to map out a new set of biological weapons. Elizabeth Warren

Once the DNC selects her to run as their nominee she will have a lot more apologizing to do. This wasn’t just a mistake. It wasn’t some accidental error. This was the worst form of racism.

Maybe instead of lobbying the federal government to make your state and local taxes lower you should lobby your state and town to make your state and local taxes lower.

Point being?

Not clicking that...

Sorry, WiFi is really spotty on this plane.

Obama was not nearly as popular with the American public as he was with the journalists he surveilled and prosecuted.

The reason everyone loves Trump is because he’s so online. Unlike Obama who would take center stage once in a blue moon to talk down to America, Trump just tells you whatever the hell is on his mind. Most people find this very, very refreshing.

You know how I can tell you’re an atheist? Anyway... no. Your angry demand for control is not the way to effectively implement what we might call a benevolent type of socialism whomst’s engine is capitalism. The only way for this to work is with a singular focus on improving the body politic in all ways, all the time.

but your taxes are high

Capitalism should serve the body politic, not the other way around. In order for this to work the nation-state must be defined, recognized, and unified. We’re kind of a long way off but it’s nice to see that the left recognizes this problem as well.