Jan Van Der Heyden

These sites are ridiculously slow on Fridays.

1) Coaches always make more money than the players so that’s not really a point.

Tippi Gordon made this point better than you, and I responded to him with the same correct reasoning: Ending slavery was an economic weapon. There was no moral imperative to it. The war began in the national government through economic leverage before the first shots were fired. To say it was “all about slavery” is to

Slavery was intertwined in the economic reasoning for the war; ending slavery was not a moral imperative for the north. They intended to damage the Southern Economy through its abolition. Nothing more.

cgo, at this point I consider you one of my best friends and in my mind that’s reciprocated so let’s cut to the chase here.

cgo, at this point I consider you one of my best friends and in my mind that’s reciprocated so let’s cut to the chase here.

The Democrats interpret The South through the history the north wrote about the Civil War. That is, Democrats have completely bought into the idea that the war was about slavery and The South was the bad guy. This history was built for pre-schoolers and falls apart as soon as you look into it. But they still believe

I think you’re confusing yourself.

This is an absurd viewpoint and the reason that nobody watches anything on Fox News except Tucker Carlson these days. Medicare for All may massively shift capital from the middle class to Big Pharma and their shareholders but it won’t directly lead to a rise in mass shootings.

Everybody makes mistakes.

Please don’t call us “Trumpanzees,” PersnicketyPants (Enemy of Trolls). It’s not very nice. 

Honestly, TehMoose, this is really inappropriate. Please apologize. 

Considering how much money we’ve given Israel and how many of their local enemies we’ve upended for them, they really have no right to ban any of our politicians for any reason, ever.

Deadspin is not immune. I just don’t like puns.

This is a tough one, I get it. But it will be a common line of attack against her once the DNC selects her to be the nominee so we best get used to it.

I support Trump, so take this how you will, but the only concern about Liz is that she’s a complete and total fraud willing to do or say anything to advance herself. I mean, she stole from Native Americans the last possession they had... their identity. 

Move away from the West Coast?

The stock market rewards those able to partake in it, that is - those who have excess capital. That skews toward the rich, but when you get to the actual rich, the elite level, the skew goes parabolic. In a word, yes. Take a look at the wealth gap... that’s a result of asset inflation. Has this benefited or harmed the

What am I cherry picking?

This is the best and most original theory yet. Still wrong, but good.