Jan Van Der Heyden

Hillary’s campaign during the 2008 primary was the first to question whether Obama was born in the US and whether Obama was the Christian he claimed to be.

People bought Obama’s prefab politician act once. They won’t buy it again. And Pete will lose the black vote due to his horrible handling of the South Bend Situation. He’s also a very angry, vindictive guy beneath the prefab-pol facade. And apparently he’s not very hygienic.

It’s strange how hard some people push to force others to believe that Barack Obama was in fact born in the United States. He’s got a cloudy past. Even Hillary Clinton used it against him by dropping the photo of him dressed up in Muslim attire in Indonesia. In fact, she was the genesis of Birtherism. She and her

Where should I start?

No, it polls badly because the “here’s how we’re going to pay for all these new entitlements” is either absent or ludicrous. 

They should be in protective custody.

It’s Tuesday afternoon and you’re still thinking about your oh-so original thought from Saturday at 6am?

Is socialism popular?

The proper response was:

Forty years ago nobody had any idea how deeply global central banks would embed themselves in the economy. Things are quite different. When your 30yr risk free return is 2.13% and inflation is intentionally unacknowledged you have to buy equity of some sort. It’s the only way you keep up. Those that can’t are left

I don’t disagree that we - meaning the government - has monumentally exploited other parts of the world. I would argue that’s a result of the government not performing the will of the people though. When was the last time a president was elected that completed, or even tried to complete, his campaign promises? Do you

Morons assume. No, most of that is unnecessary war. But, we are both smart people right? You seem to be very smart, so you know that the debt exists right now, regardless of how it was obtained, yes? So why would you think that open borders, or close to it, should be financed with this level of obligation already

Thank you for alerting me within the edit window. Starred and retweeted. Yours would be a much better comment without the Russian angle though.

There are fun and games and then there’s the truth. Some people want to live in some other timeline where what they want to be true is. That’s not me. These are very simple facts. Facts matter, remember when the left used to say that?

I accept that, RSI. Don’t change the subject though. I’m only talking about the facts of the statue.

And now we have 22 trillion in debt.

That poem has nothing to do with the Statue of Liberty and nothing to do with Emma Lazarus’ day to day life or reality as the wealthy white daughter of a wealthy white man. It sounds nice. Collecting the sick and wretched masses of rejects from the teeming shore sounds like a very nice way to create a community but it

People who tell you it’s ok to defend and apologize for Fredo Cuomo - a very privileged, rich white man - for comparing an Italian being called “Fredo” to a black man or woman being called the N Word are the same delusional people that will tell you Trump is the result of Bernie’s failure to stir up his base for her

I subscribe to the idea that fighting with honor creates only a moral obligation to lose.